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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Heavier, too. It’s about as heavy as the competitors despite having a separate battery.

    It’s not necessary to have the external screen.

    The Quest has passthrough cameras to allow you to see the world with stuff displayed over it too, but Apple has decided that simulating eye contact is important.

    It’s Apple’s unique selling point here, but they’d have what sounds like a high-quality headset without it.

  • What it looked like was an email program with a list of subject names like mail folders, each containing subject lines of conversation threads. The threads were fully branched, replies under the correct messages, like Lemmy. Not a simple list, like email.

    Also unlike email, the messages were posted publicly instead of to you.

    There was a list of newsgroup names for different subjects, you’d pick which of those to get messages from to appear as the “mail folders”.

    The names were in a hierarchy, so computer subjects were comp.something, hobbies/recreation were rec.something etc. a bit like website names, only back to front, general to more specific, e.g uk.rec.sheds, alt.startrek.fanfic , rec.humor, rec.humor.funny.

    You’d download messages from (and upload your replies to) a server and it would share messages with other servers, like Lemmy federation. So each group would be a merge of all messages from all around the world. Effectively there would only be ONE alt.folklore.urban for instance.

    Usually your isp would run a server and you’d use that.

    At first it wasn’t mainly used as a way to share binary files encoded as text messages, but eventually that took over, isps dropped having servers and big paid ones took over.

  • I’m comfortable using a terminal, but with my Linux machines s common pattern is:

    Need to get some software working. Find how to fix it, edit some config files.

    Months later I run a system update and it’s starts asking me about merging the changes I made to various files. What were they for again? Are they still even necessary with the update or are the values I changed no longer used?

    Then sometimes, something I installed is no longer supported, or needs a manual update because of how I installed it.

  • One possible reason is that some words on controversial subjects can attract mobs of posters with an agenda. They search for keywords to find threads to flood with their arguments.

    So posters would get in the habit of saying something like “I love p1n3apple on p*zza” to avoid the wrath of pizza purists (made-up example, but substitute with anything more controversial).