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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • I like the copyright idea described above. I’m not sure how well it would work in practice, because I’ve never heard of anything like that being implemented, and new solutions almost always have problems. It’s interesting though.

    Regarding the kids making their own decisions thing- my example was intended to be a little funny, so I may not have picked the best one. Instead of the ice cream example, what about sex with adults? Sex changes? General amputation? Living on their own? Cigarettes? Harder drugs?

    These are all things that kids can have opinions about, all things are mostly changes to their own body or bodily freedom, all things that can have terrible long term consequences. Should we prevent parents from controlling their kids, and allow the children to decide whether they want to do any of these?

    Sometimes the finding-out part of the fuck-around-and-find-out experience is an irreversible addiction that there’s no coming back from. Parents aren’t always better, obviously, but they probably avoid more permanent harms for their kids than the kids would in their own.

  • While I’m in board with the sentiment, I think there would be a lot of implementation problems with this. Just off the top of my head:

    1. I’m a parent, and my kid isn’t competent to make decisions about his own body. Given the right to do what he wanted with it, he would immediately eat ice cream until he threw up, then do that every day in between gaming sessions until he died from diabetes.

    2. Existing laws being reviewed is a good idea, but I could see politicians with a slight majority holding fundamental laws hostage to extract concessions from other parties. You can work around this, but it could be difficult to avoid gotchas.

    3. Do we include right to free movement in the sovereign territory point? Because we have a large prison population. I’m on board with dismantling most of that, but there will probably always be people that need to be restrained from harming others.

    4. What counts as communication? Because if I can put a character on a shirt and sell them cheaper than the independent creator on patreon or wherever, most of their profits go away. I can subscribe and support them, then turn around and sell their work on the same website. I’m not a huge fan of copyright, but it did/does have a purpose beyond endless abuse by Disney.

    As for the wealth tax thing, I don’t care if it has implementation issues lol