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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • The tl;dr from the article (which is actually worth a read):

    The very short version: Unix PIDs do start at 0! PID 0 just isn’t shown to userspace through traditional APIs. PID 0 starts the kernel, then retires to a quiet life of helping a bit with process scheduling and power management. Also the entire web is mostly wrong about PID 0, because of one sentence on Wikipedia from 16 years ago.

  • If XSS is your concern, check out Firefox’s Container Tabs. They allow you to set up tab groups that restrict access to cookies to only tabs in that group, so you can just, eg, set up a group for your bank and restrict it to just your bank’s site. Your session cookie etc are then not available to any other tab groups.

    I pair that with the Temporary Containers extension, so any random tab I open is in its own container. Everything is always separate.

  • I came to this thread expecting to see this, and even with that expectation it makes me sad to see; to me the books are unarguably superior, to a large degree because Tolkien is such an excellent writer. I’d encourage anyone who’s bounced off the books a time or two to go back to them and try reading them aloud, even quietly to yourself: even though it’s prose, the text has meter and flow almost as strong as poetry. It’s undeniably a slow read, but it’s just such a beautiful one that the films, fun as they are, don’t hold up.

    Plus, Jackson’s Two Towers is garbage.

  • I’m a proponent of this myself. I think the big barrier to just using UTC everywhere is with the clock as a symbol: right now if you’re watching a movie or a TV show and see someone’s alarm going off at 6:00, you know “oh, they’re a pretty early riser.” If everyone used UTC, that time could be local noon, or the person could be late for work, out any number of other things.

    That also applies to when people move to a new place; if I’m used to having lunch at 20:00 UTC and then move across the country, suddenly lunch is at 17:00 UTC. Symbols are really important to people, so I think these are both problematic. Meetings would be easier, but offline life would be harder.

  • I see this claim all the time, and it bugs me every time. Obfuscation is a perfectly reasonable part of a defense in depth solution. That’s why you configure your error messages on production systems to give very generic error messages instead of the dev-centric messages with stack traces on lower environments, for example.

    The problem comes when obscurity is your only defense. It’s not a full remediation on its own, but it has a part in defense in depth.