Isn’t this movie like 17 years old?
Isn’t this movie like 17 years old?
About 10 years ago it was probably closer to 80% IPAs. It was a big joke here that IPA stands for I Pretend (I’m not an) Alcoholic.
The only reason there is more on the market now is because we all stopped pretending the taste of motor oil with grapefruit gave us a better buzz.
Even now, most breweries will only seem to offer 4 varieties of IPAs, a pilsner/lager and a stout. Maybe an Amber but I feel the Mac & Jack’s copycat scene has mostly died out now.
Every large city in the US has tent cities within yards of a skyscraper.
Your criticism of the Chinese in this response is that they are an unbalanced mix of too rich and too poor. Kind of sounds like our country, huh?
Your racism doesn’t appear to be based in logic here. Is that on oversight on your part or was it a conscious decision?
That’s pure racism.
But I get it, you aren’t allowed to be angry at the actual people responsible for your lack of ability of to afford housing, because if you did, you would have to acknowledge that you helped put the people in place who screwed you.
So instead, we will pretend our problems are the fault of other people. Because we are cowards. Yes?
I don’t think you can or should blame immigrants for America being a playground for the rich where the citizens are just a servicing class.
Interesting. I will keep an eye out.
I also live in the seattle, I have never once seen Franks red being used as barbecue sauce.
I feel like most places here are making their own, and they are all coke or Dr. Pepper based.
You definitely see the moment something happens, but this seems too subtle for a stroke.
Dr. Dan?