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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I have Kuna cameras (previous owners installed them) and I hate them. They require a subscription to use security cameras in the way you’d normally use them. For no subscription, any recording only stays for 2 hours then gets deleted. What is the point of cameras if my recording is gone by the time I realize I have that notification? I refuse to pay a subscription to cameras I allegedly bought with the home.

  • Addressing your last paragraph, people get nervous about that because eugenics, my dude. But really what would actually help with this would be comprehensive sexual education and affordable, easy access to birth control methods. That’s an easy fix but the religious groups are holding us all back on that one.

    As for your other points, you’re right. Cities should be more walkable and public transit should be more reliable. But that will never happen if people don’t try to fight for it (if Musk would just drop dead/shut the fuck up anytime something is being proposed). But in all the different cities I’ve lived in, there are little pockets of places that could feasibly walk/bike/scooter to places, but they don’t. Because they don’t want to. A friend of mine and her family went camping and invited us once. At the campsite, the showers were maybe a 7 minute walk away amd guess what they did? They drove. The store was 15 minutes away and they drove. They do this for the 7/11 that’s a block away from their apartment. We live in SoCal which means the weather is almost always perfect. They are not the only people who do this. One of my friends drives and SUV. They’re single with no children. My mom drives an SUV. Her children are grown and out of the house, what the fuck do they need those cars for?

    You make very very good points, and cities and public transit are places that should be improved to lead to more walking and better, safer public transit. But there is room for personal improvement despite the shit conditions we are currently working with.

  • Yes you need to eat, but you dont have to eat meat for every single meal. Yes, you need a car but you don’t need the new giant SUV, a 5 seater sedan will work perfectly fine for most cases (unless you have more than 4 children), especially for cities where there isn’t room to accommodate your vehicular ego machine. You can make these choices while also doing it within your financial means. You can walk more instead of driving. You can ride a bike or scooter instead of driving. But most people don’t because that’s not convenient to them, myself included in this btw. Our choice may be a bit limited but we absolutely do have the power to choose.

  • I live with no AC. First thing, all windows get blocked with blackout curtains or whatever you can find. Wear loose cool clothes. I like to wear linen. At night and early morning/dusk, open the windows and doors (if applicable) to get the cool air flowing through your place. If you can, keep them open all night and seal them up once the sun comes up. Use a fan to blow directly on you. Even when it’s hot, that air flow is a life saver. Misting yourself and standing in a fan is a very effective way of keeping yourself cool. All your physical labor chores you’re going to want completed early in the day or after the sun goes down.

    As for your laptop, maybe pointing a desk fan at the keyboard may help?