Your friendly local programmer, uni student and *nix addict.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • A large language model has no concept of good or bad, and it has no logic.

    Tragically, this seems to be the minority viewpoint - at least among CS students. A lot of my peers seem to have convinced themselves that the hallucination machines are intelligent… even when it vomits unsound garbage into their lap.

    This is made worse by the fact that most of our work is simple and/or derivative enough for $MODEL to usually give the right answer, which reinforces the majority “thinking machine” viewpoint - while in reality, generating an implementation of & using only ~ and | is hardly an Earth-shattering accomplishment.

    And yes, it screws them academically. It doesn’t take a genius to connect the dots when the professor who encourages Copilot use has a sub-50% test average.

  • Most of the more exotic colors (such as green) are caused by various optical tricks.

    Physically speaking, all true stars are roughly one of these colors:

    • Red
    • Orange
    • Yellow
    • White
    • Blue

    The exact color of a star depends on its size/temperature. Red stars are the coolest, while blue stars are the hottest.

  • It may nominally have more secure defaults than Firefox (although I doubt it’s better in the areas that matter.)

    The problem is that the creators have demonstrated (by secretly injecting referral/affiliate links into URLs, and also by being crypto shills) that they are entirely untrustworthy. In a piece of software as security and privacy critical as a browser, such behavior is unacceptable.

  • I’m in a college town, so… it varies wildly. You could probably rent a crack shack 10 miles from campus for basically nothing.

    The floor for rent at a “decent” place is probably at least a grand. Actually buying a house? Who the fuck knows, but it’ll definitely be obscene.

    My university-owned apartment is $600 with a roommate, which is honestly a pretty good deal considering that utilities (including gigabit Ethernet!) are included.

  • I’m not really the right guy to ask - I don’t have that much soldering experience, and I’m a broke college student - but I’ve found the Pinecil to be Pretty Good™ for my use case of “occasionally soldering things to microcontrollers.”

    It accepts power over USB-C, so no need for a bulky (and expensive) base station like a Hakko or Weller. (You do need an AC adapter capable of pushing 65W PD, but if you’re into electronics you probably already have something like that just lying around.) Proper temperature control is also nice compared to the cheap “plug and go” irons.

    YMMV, I upgraded to it from a Home Depot butane iron (yes it was as bad as it sounds) so…