I think the problem is that its an average action game at best, and they also alienated fans of the turn based/party-based jRPG genre. So its a double-whammy of meh.
I think the problem is that its an average action game at best, and they also alienated fans of the turn based/party-based jRPG genre. So its a double-whammy of meh.
Well steam has proton, which can run many, many windows games at generally good speeds. I suggest looking at older games and indie games, as they will run best on your Xe. For example, the Heroes of Might and Magic series, particularly 3 and 5 are very good 4x/RPG hybrids. Find interesting games then go to protondb.com and see if its ‘gold’ or better
It desperately needs a compact, efficient UI similar to old.reddit’s design philosophy. Otherwise its not bad. The auto-refreshing front page is very frustrating to use. I want to click on an article, and between when I move the cursor and click, new articles have refreshed and the link I clicked was the wrong one
Even 15 had a more ‘turn based’ feel than 16 does. Not that it had much, mind you, but 16 is pure button mashing action all the way without pause or anything