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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Yeah, I don’t get it. I was confused and not happy when I saw he was running again. He could’ve gone out like a heavily watered down LBJ, instead he’s going to be forever remembered as the lost nursing home patient who wandered onto the debate stage. This is an unmitigated disaster, and the only way forward I see now is have Joe step down and let Kamala be the president. I’m not excited for that prospect, but I assume she can at least win a debate against a potted plant.

  • I hate this. A trillion dollars is a completely stupid amount of money. All of World War II cost four trillion dollars in 2015 dollars, and we’re somehow blowing through that in a little over a year. For that price, the USA should be a fucking incredible place to live, a shining beacon of trains running on time, high quality of life (and I’m not just talking cheap TVs and big trucks), and nobody slipping through the social welfare cracks. Instead, we’ve got a weird police state that’s not only hell-bent on destroying itself but strictly doing so in a fashion that only benefits the very wealthy. It’s difficult to imagine just how we’ve managed to fuck this up this badly, but this is the fruit of decades of consistent policy choices by our leadership. As such, if we do manage to undo it without balkanizing or starting a war, it’s going to likely also be the result of decades of policy choices. I don’t see those choices happening any time soon, least of all under a republican administration.

  • As a democratic voter, I’m frankly pretty exhausted of the both sides defense by democrats. Any critical examination, any fair criticism, is met with “that’s both-sidesism”. Is it really both-sidesism if both sides genuinely suck ass? Oh, excuse me, I didn’t realize you can’t criticize democrats for being corporatist pro-genocide fuck ups because the republicans are actual Nazis. I guess we won’t be able to criticize the democrats for becoming Nazis when the republicans become the party of skynet-worshipping nuclear extinction cultists, because at least the democrats don’t plan on killing everyone.

    It’s not a republican plot to expect better policies and leadership from your party of choice. It’s not both-sidesism to be able to be critical of shit decisions from your team. It’s being a thinking human participating in a society instead of a brain dead vote machine. I understand the republicans can’t win or else, but that’s been the excuse for why we can’t ask for better policies since 2012 at least, probably longer. How long are we going to play this dumb fuck game of getting dragged further right on the Overton window while kicking the dirt and saying “well, at least they’re not the republicans”? This is a losing game, and if we keep it up, we’re going to be arguing about how soon we should be closing the death camps for the homeless while Florida goes underwater and the Gulf stream shuts down. I already know I’m not going to vote for the Nazis, but I’d like to vote for some policies I actually want.

  • I’m 99% sure it is. The only hesitation is that the Trump presidency was so unhinged that you could make all manner of nonsense up and it would seem truthy. There was a whole thing where the owner of Goya beans endorsed him or something and Trump and his cult got really weird about buying and promoting Goya products for like a month.