Just a dorky trans woman on the internet.

My other presences on the fediverse:
@[email protected]
@[email protected]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

    1. There is the --download-sections option. Looking at it, you might want to use --download-sections "*0:00-1:00".
    2. I briefly checked with --list-thumbnails and it doesn’t look like YouTube offers any square ones, so I would look into using ImageMagick to edit the image with a command. I doubt yt-dlp allows you to do any sort of image manipulation out of the box.

  • I started playing Create: Prepare to Dye (Modrinth, CurseForge) which removes all survival elements from the game and has you focus on purely automation. You crash land on a unique looking planet devoid of resources and have to figure out how make everything from scratch using all-custom recipes, starting by making things from just milk.

    There’s (funny) contracts that push you to discover how to make new resources and automate them, and they give you neat things in return. Many things can be made in a number of different ways, so it’s up to you to pick one, or decide when to move to a different recipe when it becomes available to you.

    Everything is themed around dyes so instead of iron plates, you’ll see white plates. Instead of gold or brass ingots, you have yellow cubes. Copper is orange. Diamond is light blue. I’ve been very happy with the choice of mods used in this pack. Two essential ones are Create (obviously) but also Botania – the tech / automation mod everyone forgets about.

  • copygirl@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoFediverse@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    8 months ago

    A personal instance generally doesn’t have a big reach, unless people actively follow the person who’s posting the doxxing information.* The fediverse may not be a good way to spread personal information of others, throwing up an instance like that is not much different than throwing up a website or forum.

    There’s two things I can think of you can do: Contact the company that hosts the website to take it down – I’m unsure about how you go about this, but I’m sure you can find out more about that. And to report the instance to other instance admins to get it blacklisted, perhaps get it on a block list, limiting its reach and thus effectiveness. Get in contact with big instance admins, they likely have chatrooms you could join, and they might be able to help with the other step as well.

    *edit: In the case of Lemmy, I suppose it would be people following a community, rather than a user directly. If moderators or admins act on the posted informated and delete it, the deletion will federate as well and any legitimate instance will automatically delete the content on their servers as well. This would also be true for Mastodon and such. If not, the above applies.

  • copygirl@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldFacepalm
    8 months ago

    It could just have something to do with the fact that many people think ads are not only annoying but also highly manipulative, creating artificial needs in people, a tool to make already successful and rich companies even richer, … and the surrounding technology to power them is unethical, hoarding tons of information, building profiles of people, tracking which websites they visit, what search terms they use, …

    When people talk about blocking ads, being frustrated about them showing up, it’s just kind of disrespectful to be like “well you could just pay for the service, you know?”. Besides, who knows how much actually ends up in the creators’ pockets.

  • My current go-to is Auto-TerraFirmaCraft which combines TFC with Create. It has a lot of custom recipes to fit the two together. Perfect for playing along while watching a let’s play series at the same time.

    If you’re looking for something that’s like Minecraft, but not, and overhauls especially the early game (which is virtually non-existant in Vanilla), along with lots of later-game mechanics, but you also enjoy the fun contraptions you can build with Create to automate and generally be creative with, this could be worth checking out? Warning though, it might take a while to unlock Create machines. (I’m still in the copper age, myself.)

  • I think you’re wrong. Downvotes are literally meant to be to provide a community powered mechanism to push irrelevant content into out of view, as per the community’s purpose. They are not going to be used as part of an algorithm to push more relevant content to you specifically. Of course, that’s not how a lot of people end up using them, so whether it’s an effective mechanism is another question.

    Meanwhile, I’m on an instance that doesn’t federate downvotes, so they don’t affect ranking here, maybe for the better?

  • Prism Launcher has been my go-to ever since it first released, after the PolyMC hostile takeover. They’ve pushed out a lot of quality-of-life updates like being able to download and update mods from the common mod repositories straight in the launcher. Modpack installation is super easy whether it’s CurseForge or Modrinth. The only downside I can think of is that you have to install Java yourself, but honestly that’s pretty straight forward.

  • From what I know, F-Droid compiles apps from source so you can be sure that the code you’re running is actually made from the source code that it claims to be built from. On most other platforms, the developers could be uploading malicious programs that actually have the code changed from what’s shared online as its source code. Then add the fact that other developers can and do look at the code, and what changes are made from version to version.

  • There used to be this service called Flattr, and it’s still around, but I’m honestly not sure how it works anymore. The way it used to work is you set a monthly amount you’re willing to contribute, you get to specify which projects to support, either one time, or recurring, and then your contribution is split up between the projects you chose to support.

    I don’t know if this is an ideal system, because some creators might end up staying unsupported even though people are using their creations, others end up reminding their audience constantly to use the service and support them, so they end up with more than a similar creator not reminding their audience.

    In the end, I think the best thing for all creators would would be universal basic income. Everyone is taken care of such they can survive and pay for necessities, and then they can just create stuff for others to enjoy, for free. (Oh, the humanity!) No trying to convince people to share part of their hard-earned money just for basic survival.

  • Just yesterday I replied to a post where a similar question was asked, so I hope it’s okay if I just copy-paste my answer:

    The best Mastodon instance is the one that aligns with your interests and values the most.

    • Are you interested in tech? There’s a couple of tech-focused instances.
    • Are you some flavor of LGBTQ+? Some instances do a better job at keeping out bad actors, and you can be around like-minded people.
    • Are you interested in gaming? Movies? Art? Writing? Game development? Home improvement? Gardening? Activism? Memes? News?
    • Maybe you’re interested in stuff happening in your country or local area?

    Why? When you’re looking for new content, and new people to follow, the local and federated timelines of your instance are a good way to do so. Your home timeline includes all the people and hashtags you followed yourself, and their boosts. The local timeline includes all the posts and boosts of everyone on your instance. The federated timeline has all the content that everyone on your instance is following. (Of course you can always follow anyone you like, but I’m making a point about ease of discovering content relevant to you here.)

    For this reason, just joining a big, general-purpose is less useful, since you’re just going to get a hodge-podge of random things in these timelines. Perhaps you don’t mind, but I feel like it’s good to point out this feature of the fediverse, as some people might not know, or realize this is a thing.

    How? Okay, of course this is silly to recommend without giving you some way to look for these instances. There’s a couple of directories that allow you to search for them. Looking for some briefly came up with https://instances.social/, https://mastodon.help/instances and https://mastodonservers.net/. Also note you can migrate your account from one instance to another, taking your followed content and even followers with you.

  • The best Mastodon instance is the one that aligns with your interests and values the most.

    • Are you interested in tech? There’s a couple of tech-focused instances.
    • Are you some flavor of LGBTQ+? Some instances do a better job at keeping out bad actors, and you can be around like-minded people.
    • Are you interested in gaming? Movies? Art? Writing? Game development? Home improvement? Gardening? Activism? Memes? News?
    • Maybe you’re interested in stuff happening in your country or local area?

    Why? When you’re looking for new content, and new people to follow, the local and federated timelines of your instance are a good way to do so. Your home timeline includes all the people and hashtags you followed yourself, and their boosts. The local timeline includes all the posts and boosts of everyone on your instance. The federated timeline has all the content that everyone on your instance is following. (Of course you can always follow anyone you like, but I’m making a point about ease of discovering content relevant to you here.)

    For this reason, just joining a big, general-purpose is less useful, since you’re just going to get a hodge-podge of random things in these timelines. Perhaps you don’t mind, but I feel like it’s good to point out this feature of the fediverse, as some people might not know, or realize this is a thing.

    How? Okay, of course this is silly to recommend without giving you some way to look for these instances. There’s a couple of directories that allow you to search for them. Looking for some briefly came up with https://instances.social/, https://mastodon.help/instances and https://mastodonservers.net/. Also note you can migrate your account from one instance to another, taking your followed content and even followers with you.

  • If you go by what the loudest ones are saying about the headphone jack removal, then yes, it does give the appearance that it’s a very unpopular change. However if you were to just ask random people on the street if they use(d) their headphone jack and what they think of this change, you’ll probably find there’s not a lot of vocal people out there that would not buy a phone just because it was missing it. That’s why Fairphone did their market research, right? Of course it’s still up for debate whether that was the right choice. And personally I would also prefer if the headphone jack was still default on phones.

  • Yes and Mastodon itself is a registered non-profit organization. There’s a few people they’re able to pay to work on the projects, thanks to sponsors and donations. But there’s a lot more contributors (over 800). I think the people doing valuable work on FOSS projects have a lot of opportunity to work elsewhere if they feel like they’re being made to do things antithetical to their values. Not to mention the amount of noise they could make to expose the project and its shady goals, if that were the case. Things do work differently for FOSS projects than your average for-profit investor-driven project.

    • Just like there’s Lemmy and Kbin that powers the “threadiverse” / reddit-like portion of the fediverse, Mastodon is only one software that enables micro-blogging like experiences. There’s Pleroma, Misskey and many more. And of course there’s always the possibility for more to be developed over time.
    • Of Mastodon there’s likely hundreds of so-called “forks” out there. Since it is open source, people can take that source code, and host their own version of the project. This means they can make their own changes, include changes by others, remove features they don’t like, and so on.
    • Mastodon is not just run by a handful of people owned by a corporation, forced to work for them. Large parts of the project are contributed by volunteers, which can jump ship to another implementation as soon as they feel like the one they’ve contributed to is not acting in the interest of users.
    • Admins which actually host Mastodon instances get to decide when to update to a newer version, or whether they want to use a fork that includes the features they like (which the “official” Mastodon project has not (yet) included) or anti-features that might’ve been put there due to pressure from outside (possible but less likely).

    The power here is in the hands of users and admins. We just have to be careful not to let a company like Google or Facebook/Meta take control over a substantial portion of the fediverse. See also: How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)