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  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Where is this coming from?

    There are far more people willing to criticize how open source projects are run than people willing to contribute and it’s just frustrating. Unwarranted criticism contributes a lot to why open source developers stop.

    And just look at this whole post’s comments – it’s full of several people demanding/upvoting for comments saying that maintainers need to shift to another platform due to the posters’ personal convictions. Generally speaking, the discourse has been unkind and disrespectful of the time of project maintainers.

    But the only big problem I had with you was pushing the “if you have nothing to hide” fallacy in any shape or form.

    In >99.99% of cases, I would agree this is a terrible justification. One of extremely few exceptions, IMO, is a community support chat that’s intentionally trying to be open.

    Project maintainers just want somewhere cheap/easy/low-effort/accessible to host stuff. Because Discord is the “in” thing right now, contributors are also more likely to lurk in Discord than installing another app.

  • I don’t see how you intend to convince anyone to ditch Discord by deliberately misunderstanding a simple point.

    Many support Discords expect people to chat in a channel, not DM. Many issues will be in the public, in a channel. There is simply no privacy issue here for the vast majority of problems.

    Discoverability of past issues is another problem, but that’d still be problematic if you’re on Matrix.

    I’m keeping my project’s community on Discord. People who use my stuff seem satisfied.

    This thread shows that merely having a Discord acts as a good filter to inhibit users who aren’t going to be helpful.

  • FWIW there are adapters to go from Canon RF to EF. I haven’t personally used them, nor am I experienced enough to weigh in on if they are worth it, but it might be something to look into.

    I literally just moved to mirrorless because I saw the writing on the wall and also had to decide whether to invest in lenses on the format going away or the new format. I figured I would be futureproofing myself for a bit.

  • Completely disagree on the scalability argument and I find it silly.

    Most instances are small. Not everyone is going to run a 20,000 person instance where all 20,000 show up on the same day.

    If you’re a big instance like, then sure, I can buy the scalability argument, but once you’re at that point you’ve likely established that there is an active and engaged admin team.

    As a bonus, it even serves as a great asshole filter. If someone gets upset they had to wait a day for an approval, imagine how they’d act once they’re in.

  • People need to understand there are risks if they’re going to host an open server and are ultimately responsible for how it interacts in the network.

    Keeping defederation minimal requires a high degree of trust with all instances, regardless of size.

    If the instance has open reg, hosted spam for multiple days, has no activity from the admins for ever, and might be several versions behind, that’s entering “I simply don’t trust your ability to host” territory.

    I run a small instance. I turn on registration applications, spot-check new accounts to make sure there isn’t spam, keep an alert active so I get notified when updates are available, and occasionally post from an admin account to indicate it’s an active instance. I even check reports at least once a day. This all takes very little effort to do. If you’re a small instance, the burden of proof is on you to show that it’s being maintained.

    Some of the spam instances have had spam up for several days now. Sure, maybe one or two people may be on vacation and aren’t aware, but I doubt that’s the case for every host.

    We’re fortunate the spam (at least what I’ve seen) didn’t blatantly display malicious content.