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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Count me in as a happy Brother user. I used to think they were the knock off crappy printer but once I started to see more of them poo up and how much better they worked… I just bought myself an all in one laser one. Couldn’t be happier. It works so well, and no bullshit in Linux either. Works there too. Hp used to be the easy way but they’re not so great anymore.

  • I don’t customize like I used to either but I wouldn’t consider the lack of it a feature. You don’t have to change anything if you don’t want to. But before iPhone even had folders, I was using them on android.

    If I really want to dig in I’ll fire up the laptop or desktop too, but there have been times where I’m on a train on my way home from work and it was either get off at the next stop and head back to the office, or VPN and SSH in from my phone on the train. In a pinch I’ll take SSH on the phone any day. This was before I had a work laptop, it wasn’t so common back then.

    I also I installed manjaro instead of arch on my desktop last time around, no time 🤣

  • This person has a point though. Typically most people can’t even afford to live where I live, and most of the jobs are 50Km away. The nearest bus stop is an hour and a half walk. Biking is dangerous since there are ditches and no sidewalks on either side and people typically drive 90Km/hr.

    And when you get to the bus loop, buses come every hour. Takes 3 transfers before you get to a train. Then you take a train to a bus. Then more walking.

    It’s 2.5 hours each way if you bike. 3.5 hours each way if you walk to the bus stop.

    If it snows, it’s a crapshoot. Sometimes the trains cease to function. Longest one way commute I’ve had on transit was 7 hours.

    I think some people just need to realize not everywhere is like Amsterdam and has a wicked bike lane and transit setup.

  • I love how people just come up with this shit with their knowledge of their local area. Any train here requires driving to, and does not come and go frequently, and takes longer. Our infra is terrible.

    On the flip side, some places have awesome infra and I wish I had that. I’d prefer to pedal bike if I could. But where I’m at you’re very likely to be killed without bike lanes or sidewalks, and it would take hours to get anywhere important - IE work.