• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I see people here attempting to equate it with a natural attraction and or a fetish. We all have internet access and can look it up. It is in the DSM-5 and ICD-10 both pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Especially, in this more advanced age of medicine, science and society. If it was natural I believe the corrections would’ve been made and or strongly advocated for, it’s not. What is advocated is using terminology correctly, encouraging those that experience this to feel comfortable to tell their truth and seek help. I believe some of you guys comments are very dangerous and some of the upvotes and downvotes are concerning and makes it difficult to distinguish if you are in support of protecting children. The point is please don’t just blanket label it and compare it to things that aren’t harmful, illegal and consensual.

  • If the artist is drawing naked children that isn’t for the sake of a book or something of similar nature there is a problem. This is also a disingenuous comparison an artist hasn’t been trained on hundreds to millions of children’s images and then fine tuned. There’s a lot of illegal content these models come across and then are hopefully tuned by human hands. So try another example

  • It’s not liberal then what do you call conservatives that make the same decisions? You’re just weak. I love how you gloss over the protections of your comforts. It’s not lazy thinking to hold businesses and government accountable. How tf do you think we do that? People have protested, use their votes and used their dollars. YOU are the lazy one. I’m glad we live in a different world because people and those that agree with you would still have us in the slave days and civil rights wouldn’t be fought for at all. You do understand it was peoples protests, voting and their dollars that forced many of the major movements of the world right? Not people just waiting for businesses and governments to magically do the right thing. Having people ban together despite their comforts is not magical nor lazy. You are just weird.

  • It’s not liberal bs. It’s lazy thinking on your part and people are agreeing with you to shuck accountability. None of the services are essential services. We could easily drop them and it have nearly zero material impact on our lives. Spare me the BS. Just say you’re too lazy to pull away from comfort. People vote with their dollars all of the time. It’s also not liberal, there’s been conservative stances against businesses and corporations as well. As humans some of the biggest influences we have in society is our votes and our dollars. Quit being lazy and just state you’re fine with things as long as it doesn’t disrupt your comforts. That’s better than calling it “liberal”

  • Unfortunately and admittedly, we are the problem. These companies know that people pay for convenience and stick to what they know. If we were less likely to do so companies would have to raise their standards. Take Twitter for example, even with Musks over inflated numbers other sources indicate there’s still hundreds of millions of Twitter users. They see all of the things Musk has done and it hasn’t buried his business thus they are now taking pages out of his book.

  • It may seem small but since forever women have been subjected to the whims of men and violated. After enduring trauma they experience further damage by either not being believed, defense of the violator, being blamed for what happened to them amongst several others. Consent matters. This man violated her, the federation lied by putting out a false statement from her. It’s become headlines due to it happening publicly on the biggest stage in women’s sports. It’s dangerous to just label a physical violation of consent as a dumb mistake. Then you factor everything that’s taken place since and it’s why it’s reached the level that it has.