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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 26th, 2023


  • It’s strange to me how everyone’s experiences with manjaro is different. I’ve been running it on two laptops for 2 1/2 years without issue. On one of the laptops I’m purposefully trying to break it by not giving it updates in a timely manor. I’ve gone 2 months without updating and still can’t break it.

    Honestly I wish it would finally break. Just using it for a media server/player now. I need to take it off the rolling release distros and put it on something requiring allot less manditory maintenance. It just won’t die though and I’m too lazy to fix something that isn’t broken.

    No shade or manjaro fanboy bs intended as I believe everyone has different experiences with different OS’s and different needs that can be met or failed by any OS. I’m also weaning myself toward a full arch install by using distros closer to a full arch experiance on my new laptop.

    My failure OS was Endeavour. Following Arch wiiki and assuming I had mkinitcpio bricking initramfs rebuild. At least I think that was the issue if I’m remembering right, been about a year. Obviously operator error in my case and no shade to EOS.

    Tried out Garuda on the new laptop and have been pretty happy. As with anything there are issues to overcome. Like OBS not working because of some dependencies required by Garuda native apps for nvidia. I think this will push me to finally do a full arch install soon and roll back my other 2 laptops running manjaro to Debian.

    The progression of my Linux experience over the last 15 years has been happiness to dissatisfaction with every distro I’ve tried. Not because the distros were bad but they mostly had some limitations I wanted to overcome.

  • You might want to check out this github link privacy.sexy. It has a bunch if scripts to do all sorts of things. It also has a GUI to customize your script the way you want. Disable telemetry, uninstall default programs like edge and skype. You can setup a task to run on interval’s of your choosing.

    I run Linux on all my computers but one tablet/computer and have used privacy.sexy since I bought it. It seems to work well and you can roll back your changes you make if you like or if their script brakes something you need.