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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I think you’re close to grasping my point. We, as people, determine whether someone is male or female based off of things other than chromosomes.

    We, as average people conducting our daily lives, do not observe chromosomes.

    The word “sex” is made up just as much as the word “ten” is made up; it describes a concept. In this way, the meanings of both words are socially constructed even if they describe something in reality.

    Because you, as an average person, do not observe chromosomes then you, as an average person, do not use the words male and female to describe chromosomes. You are describing something else. People have used the word “sex” to refer to a concept which has existed long before chromosomes were discovered.

    So please engage with some introspection and tell me what YOU mean when you say sex. I am not defining the word, and I’m not asking you to accept anyone’s definition but your own. What concept are you ACTUALLY describing when you say you’re female? Have you gotten your genome sequenced?

  • No, chromosomes do not determine your sex.

    In a lab, depending on the species involved reproductive cells might exchange information and cells with certain chromosomes might be compatible such as ZW and ZZ chromosomes or XY and XX chromosomes. There’s also gamete size and a whole host of complex interactions.

    Then there is issue of whether an organism actively produces or contains these reproductive cells at a particular time. Some species, such as frogs, are capable of producing different types of reproductive cells depending on environmental conditions.

    If you base your sex categorization based solely in terms of reproductive functionality then there is a significant portion of the human population which cannot be said to have any sex, as they do not contain any reproductive cells nor are they capable of producing them. Additionally, we would not know the sex of most of the population since over 99% of humans have not had their chromosomes checked.

    You’re trying to apply a standard definition of sex which is not compatible with how society functions. If I accept that chromosomes determine sex and you arbitrarily define the word “male” to mean something with ZZ chromosomes then it has no real use case outside of a laboratory. How would I know whether Donald Trump is male or not? Chromosomes were discovered in the 1880s; How do we know if George Washington was male?

    Your definition of sex is untenable. Try again.