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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 15th, 2024


  • What does it mean to flip toilet paper when replacing it? Like, putting it in the right way and wrong the next time? How does that make him right “either way”? At best, that makes him right 50% of the time. Sorry, but this just makes no fucking sense. Or am I missing something?

  • I mean, in a very technical and probably unintentional way, he is right. Paedophilia is, principally, “only” the sexual attraction to minors. That does not necessarily imply actual molesting or abuse of children. And not all who molest and abuse minors are paedophiles. It might just be a matter of power/sexual repression (looking at you, clergymen). Equating the two is probably a hindrance to those struggling with these feelings coming forward and seeking psychiatric help (like drug criminalization).

    As for whether or not it is rape if an adult person has sex with a horny teenager… Maybe I wouldn’t call it “rape”, but there’s also a reason we don’t let kids sign contracts or drive cars.