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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That could very well be true, I could very well be in “good old days” haze mode because I remember being quite enamoured with the concept of it and content on it, as it felt like there was literally a thriving community around everything you could think of and it still felt “safe” compared to places like 4chan and web-sites like ogrish, etc.; places which intrigued but felt “dirty” in comparison. I think I also grew to hate it as I suddenly felt the reality of other people’s hate hit. I also learned basic photoshop among other things due to the communities there. I guess they still exist and I’ve become more bitter and triggered by the slightest indication of the socio-political blind spots that I perceive in people.

    I guess there is a similar positive vibe I feel here too, as it feels like the whole decentralisation thing is worth a lot.

  • I think it started in the comments, it felt as if the self-reflexive nature of the humour became less self-aware and what once were jokes in the voice of and at the expense of more bigoted philosophies were becoming actually serious comments propping up those laughed-at philosophies.

    The left-wing echo chamber became a right-wing echo chamber and as such there was a lot more blatant racism and way way more cryptoracism directed at minorities and people of non-white origin.

    Where before I felt that (on the whole) the news and temporary-culture subreddits (memes and the like) abhorred non-acceptance, suddenly that became the norm and the accepted tone shifted to one tinged with a heavily closed-off and conservative outlook; white elitist liberalism was as left-wing as it suddenly went.

    My perception is that the voting and karma system where once felt egalitarian and more democratic was suddenly found to be a tool to show where the power seemed to lay.

    Dissent was met with hordes of downvotes and basically snuffed out. Whether it was a shift in the userbase or bots suddenly becoming very active, it really shifted up the confidence of the more single-minded user.

    I think the best thing about reddit was the comments and the ability to see how people in the actual industries and in the know of articles and posts would give great and insightful info, this felt lessened.

    I feel the thing that was least effected were the smaller but active niche interest and hobby communities, and what I hope lemmy starts having more of.

  • If we’re suggesting possible future organisations, I’m with you about a global authority, but I want it to be run and maintained by some sort of artificial intelligence. There are currently no humans that I can think of that cannot fall victim to their own desires and become corrupt when faced with power. Just take that worry completely out of the equation. I would like to think at the point that we have that level of AI, that that technology will have already found solutions to a lot of our current global problems.

    Until then your proposal is sound!

  • I disagree, it is very useful to show how the tentacles of it are actually everywhere. It is the mechanism of it that is the bigger problem. The mindset of action disconnected from philosophy is the true battleground, before intent is even part of the conversation. I believe the whitewashing of fascism is a much bigger problem than the efficacy of the term; people understand they don’t want fascism in their lives, so if you point out and are able to show how insidious and ever pervasive it is in their own lives, and how they probably have been educated to overlook it; it is very useful. A bunch of scoffing conservatives and their apologists should not dictate the language used.

  • I also hate the inclusion of the u/spez freakout about employees not wearing reddit colours in public for fear of physical harm. It is a full-on propaganda tactic, in the vein of Elon Musk or Trump’s bullshit. It immediately puts shade on the userbase. These “journalists” should get their shit together and either write about how ridiculously stupid he was to say that or just not present it at all, it’s barely relevant to the article. For anyone who has actually been following along, the way the article presents that tidbit is inane and completely false at best.