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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • Are your teachers reading your screens a lot? Because it’s a PITA to read if you’re not using it yourself.

    Also if you demo code you should switch to the more traditional so that others don’t have a hard time reading.

    Basically it’s just down to the human brains amazing ability to do pattern recognition subconsciously so you don’t have to actively think about what that symbol means - unless someone used a different symbol.

  • Why do you say that? It’s your kind of response that makes me scared to expose my ignorance through fear of being mischaracterised as hateful. So I just live in ignorance, keep my head down and don’t learn about other people’s perspectives. I’m pretty confident I don’t offend anyone…but mostly because I avoid any conversation that involves anything even remotely in this sphear just to ensure I don’t accidentally cause offence.

  • Hope this isn’t an offensive question to ask - but what do you mean by “how I feel”?

    Because, by example, I am a man. I know this because I have the reproductive organs of a man. I am “more manly” than some men, and “less manly” than some other men. But I am a man, regardless of how I feel, dress, act or look.

    In my current understanding of gender, being gender fluid would require the hot swapping of your reproductive organs.

    So - genuinely (if you want to…) - can you help me understand what you mean by what you said? Perhaps I can become less ignorant without exposing my ignorance to the real world.

  • What would you use in place of cars?

    Obviously just outlawing cars tomorrow would cause mass deaths around the world as society isn’t equipped to deal with it, so what could we transition to?

    My assumption is that you’d suggest public transport for all? But that wouldn’t save us, as only about 1/4 of transport emissions come from cars, it’d just make us die a little slower.

    Edit: if the next 5 people to downvote this could leave a reply it’d be appreciated. I try my best to do my bit for the environment but I depend on my car to participate in my local community given, and so I’d like to know what the ideal solution is? What should I be asking my representative to be voting for?

  • I don’t know you, your life or your struggles and I’m not qualified to offer any kind of professional help or input, so please- spend the energy you’re spending on Lemmy on seeking help from someone who loves you, a suicide prevention charity or a professional who can help with these thoughts. Worst case scenario - nothing changes and you’ve lost nothing. Best case; things change and you have a happy life.

    What little I do know of you: you have access to the Internet, you know at least a little bit of technology, and you speak English. These things alone mean you probably live a better life than billions of other people. Perhaps all you need is a little bit of perspective.