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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Don’t panic. A few fleas could easily be random chance. You don’t really have to go to a vet, but in this case I would just for peace of mind for the humans.

    Do buy a flea comb (if you do not already have one) and begin combing every night. Espcially around the neck and head. Don’t worry about squishing the fleas, just mix up some mild soapy water in a glass and drop them in that.

    Keep count every night and you will be able to tell if the problem is under control or not.

    Do vacuum and clean house.

    You may want to invest in a flea trap. These combine a light and a sticky pad and can be placed on the floor to attract any loose fleas. Move it around to likely places and it will both help trap fleas and give you an idea of how many might be in the house (if any.)

    If you do not go to a vet, do buy some over the counter flea treatment. If regular combing is not enough, it will help, but I would not use it for just a few fleas.

    My cat has had fleas a few times, but thankfully I’ve only needed the ointment once. Mist of the time combing was enough.

  • Yes and no. The idea that people are temporarily possessed meat puppets is just silly. But I do think there is something intangible that makes a person who they are. That we don’t have souls so much as we are “souls”.

    Ug, I really don’t understand it enough to answer the question… it is sort of like the ship of Theseus. If we slowly replace, upgrade, or even modify each part of the ship, it remains the ship of Theseus even when every piece is replaced. There is something intangible left that makes it the ship of Theseus, makes all the old bits still part of it, and incorporates the changes into it as well.

  • Most recently, Little Debbie oatmeal cream pies. I used to love the things and they were a nostalgic part of growing up, so I randomly decided to buy a box a few weeks back.

    Took two bits of one and threw the whole box away. They were nasty. Chemically tasting, dry, full of little hard bits from poorly milled oats, etc. pure garbage. And this is not a matter of my tastes changing. I remember exactly how those are supposed to be, and the modern version is crap.

  • I don’t disagree, but I’ve heard this before. Assembly devs complaining about compiled languages. C/c++ devs complaining about every newer language. Traditional devs complaining about web developers. Backend web developers complaining about blogs/cms tools. Nearly everyone complaining about electron.

    And honestly I think those folks had a point. The old stuff written when the tools were simple and memory scarce were almost works of art. The quality of software development (especially with regard to optimization) has been going downhill for decades. What ever the llms do will just be part of this trend.

  • Even the iPod was entering an already established market (consider the Sony Walkman).

    Although that is interesting… I found some stats and 385 million walkmans were sold over 30 years. About 10. Million per year. Another report claims 51 million VR headsets in the last 5 years or about 10 million per year… (I started this comment planing to be negative, but now I wonder if Apple is not hitting the market at just the right time…)

  • Everything goes dark. You open your eyes. You are standing on a bridge. A warm salty breeze is in the air. Birds fly over. A fish splashes in the water. You could go anywhere, do anything, a whole new world is open to you. But you stay put for now and enjoy this peaceful bridge.

    A child runs by. She avoids making eye contact and runs behind you. Then another, and another. “Kids these days”, you think, “always in a hurry.” Another child approaches, before he can slip by, you turn, and make eye contact. It’s on!

    You each bring out your Pokémon and oh god, oh god, oh god, it’s god. The unfathomable, immortal deity who shaped the entire world, and it is taking orders from a child! and you have… a magikarp.

    Before you can even speak, a blast of energy strikes your fish, killing it instantly. You are knocked back, stunned. The child frisks your pockets and takes your wallet. Everything goes dark. You open your eyes. You are standing on a bridge. A warm salty breeze is in the air…

  • Same. We have dozens of M477s and M479s in production and few issues. Recently started deploying 4301s and so far so good. I bought an M479 on a good sale a few years ago for personal use and never had a problem. No mandatory subscription, hp account or any of that mess, and the toner lasts a long time. Not sure if it even will expire.

    Many years ago we maintained a fleet of 4050s and 2200s (had to purchase parallel port add on cards to use those…) Those were rock solid for many years and very repairable, but at a certain point part availability and time lost doing repairs adds up and we had to move on.

  • As I see it, the problem is that for the vast majority of people in the U.S. there is no compelling reason to change. People rarely need to convert units and rarely (but more often thanks to social media) need to talk to anyone who uses metric. I see it as a cultural quirk not unlike a dialect.

    Of course for science, industry, and other situations where conversion, accuracy, and international communication are involved it very much matters and U.S. needs to use metric as much as possible.

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