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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • Walled gardens are inherantly designed to exclude communities and drive classism. Want to view this picture? Sorry you can’t because you dsint pay the fee. Want to chat with this group? Sorry were going to make inconvienent to everyone involved that you didn’t pay the fee.

    The end goal is to split people up into have and have nots in order to drive desire for your product with little thougt given to the poorer communies it disenfranchises. Your attitude is the boomer “fuck you. Got mine” one.

  • I don’t think people like the walled garden. I think they don’t know what it is even. They assume they can’t buy a competitors headset/watch/tv because it won’t work, and often they’re probably right because apple refuses use open protocols. But I don’t think they draw the line between the two. It’s not because of apple refusing to implement something it doesn’t work. It’s because “the competitor is bad”, or because they don’t have the “deep integration” between the two or something. It never occurs to them that if you just make the API public it suddenly “just works” for everyone.

  • Even that seems kinda half ass in this version. Like you think you’d be able to drag a window from your monitor outside the monitor. Instead, it just… Shows your monitor again.

    I am not the target market for this device though. I’m not really sure who is, beyond the diehard apple people.

    I do find it funny how quickly apple pr moves from the “when they do something they do it right” to “well this is first gen so we expect it has some flaws”.

  • As an American who left, it looks batshit insane to me. Everything is crazy expensive and they’re passing restrictive laws that, if passed anywhere in Asia or Africa, would be run as “look at these backwards shitty country” news stories.

    I’ve got a trans kid. We’re not returning any time soon. It seems unsafe for them to exist in the us for the foreseeable future.

    But I’ve got us friends who feel the opposite. We visited a friend in Bainbridge a few years ago who really couldn’t comprehend why everyone wouldn’t want to live on their island.

    Asia (here) isn’t really any more unsafe. I visited India recently and it felt less safe, but everyone I know there also said it wasn’t really. It depends on areas as well, and much of it (everywhere) is just media depictions and racism telling your brain to panic.

    The real advantage of the us is just cash. You can make a lot more money there. They’re rich. Money is good. It makes life easier. Its also expensive there. To save at any income level, you have to be thrifty.