• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I was excited to see squirrels, lightning bugs and a racoon in the US.

    When people come to Australia they obviously want to see kangaroos, koalas and platypus and quokka. Koalas are very rare to see in the wild, and a visit to a zoo will score you a sleeping ball on a branch. Kangaroos are frequently roadkill if you go outside the city. Quokka require a long trip to a really remote location. You’ll also almost never see a platypus, even the ones at the zoo you might catch a water ripple at best.

    But if you’re headed to Sydney city, guaranteed you’ll spot the almighty and much maligned “bin chicken”, our Australian white ibis. Often not quite white from the bins. At night they serenade you with their collective honking from their tree, which can be easily spotted by the masses of white poop underneath. And you’ll see fruit bats in the evening. Hopefully not the daytime corpses hanging from electrical cables while they slowly rot, but that’s not altogether unlikely either, unfortunately.

  • In Australia, it’s not too uncommon to hear people have conversations about how fucked the US system is. That’s partly a symptom of how intertwined my life is with the topic of medicine and healthcare systems though, I’m sure most people have far fewer discussions about those topics than I do.

    Having said that, I have certainly said “Thank God I’m not in the US” and received emphatic agreement in conversations.

    I’ve also had a doctor say “well at least you’re not in the US” to me during an appointment, after I expressed some displeasure at how much something was going to cost me - because i wasn’t considered a valid demographic for that specific drug to receive the subsidy.

    Socialised medicine doesn’t mean free medicine, sadly. And our system has been run down by the ruling class attempting to emulate the US version’s money-churning machine.

  • 5 months ago, mod, Removed Post Reddit is dangerous. The admins are out of control. Humanity needs a viable alternative. – Blog covering the Reddit admins retaliating against me, reason: rule 4

    I thought I recognised your name. I happen to be experimenting with my own gut-brain axis, so I recall skimming your project.

    Here’s the problem.

    Reddit will not act on people insulting your personal project unless they consider it a legal, financial or reputational risk not to do so.

    Lawyers will not take on your case unless they think there is a solid chance of financial or reputational gain beyond the standard hourly fee. They are telling you in the most professional way possible that they see no merit in spending their time on your theory’s reputation. My suspicion is that they feel your… zeal and passion for your theory is bordering on fanatical. They don’t want to work with fanatics.

    Without substantial and demonstrable effects on your finances, what you are left with is just some low level insults on the internet, and one or more relatively anonymous individuals who know that trolling you will get them the reaction they desire. If you continue to react like this, they will continue to try to get a reaction from you.

    These concepts have been explained to you previously.

    I understand that you believe you have found answers that have previously been ignored by medicine. I know how that feels. But research is already being done in this area and will take time to bear fruit.

    Additionally, continuing to post your site as a response to threads that lightly touch on adjacent topics does not do much more than highlight you as a self-promoting spammer who might be fun to troll. It also does not endear you to admins or mods, let alone anyone who might positively engage with the topic. Threads like this let trolls know their efforts to annoy you are working extremely well. Using your real name to do so just makes it much easier for them to harass you.

    I do not like victim blaming, but I hope you are able to reflect on how your reactions and inability to let minor insults slide might be compromising your ability to have your project and theories taken more seriously and treated with respect. If you are very serious about legal recourse, then regrettably you need to monetize your project and accurately document negative effects caused by specific people.

  • It’s a reference to one of the most culturally important stories in Buddhist countries. Not knowing about it is like consuming English media without knowing anything about Shakespeare’s plays.

    The English name is Journey to the West and the monkey is Sun Wukong in Chinese or Son Goku in Japanese. You might notice the main character in Dragon Ball Z has the same name, but the monkey king is referenced constantly in all sorts of Eastern media. The synopsis and main characters sections in that Wikipedia link will give you the general idea, but I would recommend reading or watching any of the versions to get a better understanding of the vibe.

    Your metaphor is basically just calling them arrogant and reckless, lacking a good strategy and rushing in to things.

  • Thanks, I try. I know what it’s like to have subjective symptoms of something larger and medically very real dismissed by others to the point where more permanent damage is done than was ever necessary. While I don’t wish that experience on anyone, it sadly seems almost a necessary experience for many people in order to be able to engage others with compassion.

    I wish there were more empathy, especially in lemmy.world comments. I had hoped better for the fediverse than the current patterns of hostility in social media towards others with different life experiences.

  • You don’t have to apologise, you haven’t done anything wrong. It is true that since people can experience sudden health issues very young, I was one of them. But if your only evidence for diabetes is that you recently ate a common food that happened to be high in sugar, then there’s no sign at all that this is something you are experiencing. You have no symptoms of diabetes, and blood tests as evidence that you don’t have it. But anxiety is a legitimate health condition too.

    You shouldn’t ignore symptoms, which is why you need to look at the symptoms of anxiety that you seem to be experiencing. A panic attack is not something most people regularly experience, and definitely not because they broke their own omad rule with a food that has high sugar levels.

    Please, look into deep breathing techniques fir the panic attacks and doctors who specialize in anxiety near you. I wish you all the luck and best, I know how anxiety can paralyze and negatively affect your life. But the good news is that you aren’t powerless to change it.

  • Friend, I mean this in the nicest possible way, with understanding as someone who has personal experience with both anxiety and insulin issues. I’ve noticed your name on a lot of threads which all demonstrate “catastrophization” and extremely high levels of fear over low risk situations. Levels of fear that are disproportionate. You need to see a doctor about it.

    Anxiety isn’t you being crazy or your fault. It could be something as simple as a chemical imbalance. You don’t need to live like this though, it’s exhausting being this afraid all the time and that energy could be far better spent on things that truly improve your life.

    Please consider it, I know I’m not the first person to tell you this. Acknowledge the pattern, and talk to a professional. It’s hard but very very worth it.

  • Are humans performing labor allowed to ask a question? Yes. Especially when they are performing dangerous work, which it legitimately is where I am. I have no desire to fuck with low earning people in dangerous jobs, so I wait outside for them when I see they’re pretty close on the GPS.

    When I had covid I put “have covid, knock and leave at apartment door” as the delivery note. It worked pretty flawlessly. My normal delivery message is “will meet you out front, do not call unless necessary”, which works about 90% of the time.

    The delivery people who actually piss me off are the ones who call/text “I’ve arrived” when I’m waiting outside and I can see they’re still 3 blocks away on the GPS. Don’t lie to me, even though i understand you’re trying to reduce your wait time, and some people make them wait for 15+ mins.

    The other ones who piss me off are the ones who take a 30min detour with my food because they’re juggling apps and two different services have told them to go in opposite directions. Special shout out to the dude who literally rode past me while I was waiting for him outside, so that he could pick up an order for a different app instead of giving me my order. Thanks for chilling half my hot food too with what I assume was a cold drinks order, asshole.

  • This looks like a cheaply made seal wad to me

    The seal looked to be perfectly vacuumed when I opened it, and the lid wasn’t a tight one, so I suspect you’re right. But someone else in the thread indicated that this may also be a “feature”? I’m not sure if it’s a post hoc rationalisation of shit supply purchase choice or a deliberate design decision or a manufacturing error, but it doesn’t matter. I hate it all the same.

    Also, thanks for providing me with a proper specific name for these things, and the gift of your experience in all things sealed.