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Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • But it may be something to work towards to, isn’t it? Or at least get rid of these societal taboos?

    Where I live and grew up (Germany), there isn’t that much of a taboo on nudity. I liked showering in my gym for example where there is only a shared (gendered) shower. Since starting my transition I wouldn’t feel welcome in any gendered shared public shower however. I would really like to stop hiding my body but instead feel more included among cis people. One day I hope…

    I still prefer going swimming naked (if there are not too many people around) because it avoids gendered swim wear. At most lakes in Germany you can find people going swimming naked or with swim wear. Just coexisting :)

  • Haha yes, recursion is always fun!

    Although I’m still confused on what the clock would show in an hour. Because if the subclocks mirror the parent clock at the given time, then they would all be stuck to the hour they are positioned on? Or if they can move then the sublcocks are coupled to 3 o’clock of the main clock. But well, it is all hypothetical anyways :D

  • What a fun idea!

    Is it on purpose that all clocks in this are coupled at the 3 o’clock position? I assume all the clocks go the same speed. Then the large clock and all the smaller clocks at the 3 o’clock position (there are 13 of them) would show the same time. E.g. in one hour, the 12 o’clock position would show 1 o’clock, but the large clock and all the clocks on the 3 o’clock position would show 4 o’clock.

    Oh and why is it a clock squared if you have three layers of clocks? Isn’t it cubed then?

  • flora_explora@beehaw.orgtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlblahaj
    3 months ago

    What? That shouldn’t be any basis for consent! Only if someone is able to consent, i.e. emphatically say ‘yes’ (or otherwise agree), should you start thinking about doing anything sexual involving them. If you do anything sexual involving someone who cannot say ‘no’ then that is a sexual violation of them.

  • The Y axis is throwing me off a bit. If the X axis already shows the amount of protein per mass, why would you also couple the Y axis to the amount of protein? So all the products low on the X axis automatically increase along the Y axis. For example, the vegetables are probably that costly in this graph because they have a low protein content, not because they are necessarily that expensive.

  • Hm, on the one hand this could be survivorship bias, i.e. only a lucky few scripts in stone have made it through. If you left enough of these glass discs or other modern media in very specific conditions they might also withstand thousands/millions of years maybe?

    On the other hand, I think the amount of data and the corresponding resolution is important, too. If you’d try to store petabytes (or more) worth of data you’d have to carve really really tiny scriptures into stone unless you want mountains of stones just to save some bits of data. But the moment you scale your resolution up and your data engraving gets much smaller, you’ll also get a much more error prone, susceptible system. So even stones with tiny scriptures would certainly not be able to survive millions of years (at least the vast majority of them).

  • Hail Seitan! --> many vegans (including myself) swear on pure gluten :D

    And yes, I also know people who also cannot be vegan because of all their dietary restrictions.

    I guess the similarity of arch users and vegans lies in the fact that both groups are very much outside the norm. So you often have to distance yourself from the assumed default (windows/apple computer, omnivore diet). And just talking with other people, it comes up often by itself. If someone asks me to fix their windows PC, I have to tell them that I haven’t really used windows for nearly a decade now. And if someone invites me over or to a restaurant, I have to tell them that I’m vegan. But people who are inside the norm often don’t deal very well with outsiders, so they have to invent tropes like the annoying vegan. What is actually annoying them is their own double standard they have to live with (torturing/killing animals and having a large ecological impact vs wanting to be a good human being).

    But obviously there are also some people who use arch or are vegan and do it to provoke a reaction, to feel special and morally superior.

  • Well, obviously by living in the UK or a European country you benefit from (neo)colonialism and capitalism quite a lot. People here do have a certain responsibility, although more so in making their government and the involved economy take responsibility for their actions. It certainly is a strange position to be in, because you cannot really live ethically under capitalism. But we should still strive to change this, to abolish capitalism and to make the world a better place for everyone to live in. Just seeing that the world is unfair and continuing to exploit people for your own good is imo unethical.

    Btw occupation is definitely not only based on military force but more often than not by capitalist exploitation. And occupation doesn’t work in a way where you have one distinct group of people conquering some land or people. It rather is the combination of administrative and economic power, i.e. various companies exerting pressure, to maintain control over a people. So yes, if a company is benefitting from the capitalist exploitation of these people and is therefore continuing this exploitation, I would think they are in part responsible for the situation. And it would be unethical to support this domain with your money. Of course, it is a question of degree, because it certainly isn’t as bad as directly giving the Taliban money but worse than giving the money to a less problematic country.

    It is a bit like paying ExxonMobil, Coca-Cola or Nestlé for a hypothetical service. Do you really want to support them? If you have a choice, use something else. If you don’t have a choice, protest against not having it.

  • As I understand it, this isn’t a resolved conflict in the past but rather an ongoing one. So yes, it does matter if you decide to give an oppressive British company or the Taliban money. And apart from that, as a German, I’m very much aware that we are not responsible for the wrongdoings of our ancestors but are responsible not to forget and thus repeat them. People who were victims under colonialism or any other form of oppression deserve at least recognition and compensation. Just continuing to live with the current condition shaped by oppression means supporting the oppression.

  • I think they just gave an example for how podcasts often feel to them. And I can relate, most podcasts feel like the podcaster assumes a certain norm and presenting topics as absolute truths. Someone here mentioned darknet diaries for example and I tried listening to this podcast but was deterred by his assumptions of how everyone wants to accumulate money and how he is obviously very oblivious of his political bias (i.e. trying to be apolitical but thus supporting a government’s military and political decisions). I guess this problem of thinking one is apolitical while actually talking about highly political stuff is more prevalent in cis male dominated spaces like tech (imo because of the combination of less empathy, a more self-centered viewpoint and a confidence in one’s own correctness). But as given per example by the other commenter, societal norms at large give people the feeling that they are correct in their views and that things just are a certain way (e.g. sex differences, certain experiences etc). Well, just wanted to give my mustard to it ;)