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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • If you set up hardware encryption, be sure to change the master password and set the security level to maximum.

    Be aware, this password is different than the Physical Secure ID (PSID) printed on the front of the disk. PSIDs are used when the release to reset command doesn’t work, typically due to key issues, and the drive gets “locked”.

    You use the PSID to run a revert to factory defaults command, unlocking the drive. Since this triggers the drive to release its’ key, the drive is considered “cryptographically erased” when you do this.

    If you revert the drive, data on it is unrecoverable.

    If you’re going to revert a drive, I suggest using a QR Code reader to get the PSID off the drive. Some venders are sadists with the font they choose making it so much fun to figure out if it’s a 1, l i I I O or 0…

  • It’s funny how you always jump to everyone being racist. Project much? You should be better than that.

    The fact that you even think this story is plausible further highlights your view that Chinese are some primitive barbarians using balloons for spying.

    The fact you consider the Chinese primitive barbarians is pretty telling on your racism. Personally, I’d think a high tech solution that you might believe is undetectable would be a fantastic way to gather information, since satellites tend to travel in known trajectories so you can cover up anything interesting when you know they’ll be in the sky. You really need to check that racism there.

    The most hilarious part here is how you just keep doubling down on this acting all smug. Once again, there is zero evidence for your conspiracy theory, but you keep on digging there.

    Nope, not acting smug, just trying to help you understand that you misread the article.

    Your statement:

    “Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley told CBS News today that the so-called Chinese spy balloon that flew over the U.S. seven months ago wasn’t spying at all. (cbsnews.com)”

    The two statements from that actual Chairmain of the JCS in the article:

    “The intelligence community, their assessment – and it’s a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon,”


    “I would say it was a spy balloon that we know with high degree of certainty got no intelligence, and didn’t transmit any intelligence back to China.”

    I get you have problems understanding that, since it doesn’t fit your narrative. I’m just trying to help you.

  • LTT is trying to be reliable, but they aren’t giving themselves the time to do it.

    No, they are not. They are trying to pump out content, and don’t want to be held accountable for their actions, period.

    If they were trying ro be reliable they wouldn’t bitch about fucking up a test, then having to spend $100-$500 in employee time to properly test.

    They wouldn’t blame their fuckups on everyone except themselves.

    They may make shit right in the coming days, the sad fact was it took GN calling them out to get them to stop acting like assholes.