• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • Spinach has a lot more than just vitamin k, and so does everything else you eat. It would do you some good to actually record what you eat on an average day and take a look at their total nutritional content. A varied diet consisting of mostly whole foods will almost guarantee that you meet your daily needs. If your particular diet doesn’t, this exercise would reveal where the holes are. I’m willing to bet it’s a lot easier to patch up then you think.

    Also, it seems that you only need 25g of spinach to reach your daily needs. That’s a ridiculously tiny amount of spinach. Considering that vitamin K is fat-soluble and can be stored, a single 200g meal of spinach will satisfy your vitamin k needs for over a week.

    Sources: USDA says spinach has 483µg of vitamin K per 100g spinach. Health Canada recommends 120µg of vitamin K per day for an adult male. FDA also uses 120µg for the purposes of nutrition labels.

  • I don’t think you understand how hypotheticals work. When someone says “suppose X happens”, it doesn’t means X can or will happen. They’re asking you to imagine a scenario where it does happen. How the rules of the universe changes to allow it to happen can be up to you, and there’s many ways that you do it, but some will lead to more interesting thought experiments than others. You proposed a rule change where knowing when/how you die with absolute certainty means being immune to all harm until that point. I don’t think that’s a very interesting scenario to think about, so I proposed an alternative that is closer to how our universe actually world and can simply be explained by very good (or bad, depending on perspective) luck.