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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I understand it to mean what’s called a “deduction”. This is an amount that you are allowed to claim that reduces your taxable income, which reduces the tax you pay. “Writing it off” means claiming the deduction.

    Generally speaking, to be a valid deduction, an expense must be necessary and ordinary to running your business. In practice, a valid deduction is whatever your tax authority decides is allowable.

    I am answering from the point of view of the Canadian income tax system, but what I describe here is pretty common throughout the world.

  • The mode can’t hope to answer how much money the average person has, because there are far too many possible values.

    The mean answers how much money people have on average, but the outliers exert too much influence to answer how much money the average person has.

    The median moderates the influence of both the very rich and the very poor, so it better approximates the amount of money that those in the middle of the population have, which is what 'the average person" tends to be.

    For populations where the number of possible values is much lower, the mode and the median tend to be closer to together. Emphasis on “tend”.

  • Mode is a kind of average. I infer that you mean “mean” when you say “average” here.

    The mean takes into account outliers in a way that the mode doesn’t.

    The joke about the average number of legs among humans being less than 2 describes a situation where mode provides more meaning than mean. In the case of scattered values, mode makes less sense, such as the average net worth of the people in a country.

    I don’t know why the mean is the “default” average. In many situations, the mode or median makes more sense.

  • I needed to install a plugin to select objects delimited by characters, which I infer provides some of the basic behavior of tree-sitter, but since I forget the details, I guess that means there’s no fiddling involved. Set it and forget it.

    Kakoune has a welcoming and helpful community, so when I struggled to understand the basics of configuration and installing plugins, I got the help I needed. It’s been a few years since I needed help, so perhaps that means I’m not adventurous enough and perhaps that means everything has simply kept working with little maintenance.

    I have vague memories of putting in effort to set things up, but evidently that didn’t traumatize me.

  • I adopted ranger as my file manager and there is a way to enable preview that works for text files, PDFs, and images (plugin). It’s not Quick Look, but you might not hate it.

    I like it primarily for reasons of using the keyboard to navigate, search, copy, move, delete, and open files. It helped me miss Alfred less.

    Someone else has mentioned nnn, which has similar aims.