
You’re awfully curious, aren’t you?

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • They’re referring to the quality of integrations with third-party systems, like the built-in CalDAV support basically every OS has. For some people, using just the calendar app is fine, but others want that deeper integration so they don’t have to rely entirely on Proton to provide features in their frontends that OS apps might already handle.

    For example, on Android I might want to let other apps access information from my calendar (e.g. my launcher so it can show me events from within its built-in schedule widget). Same goes for my Thunderbird client on Linux, it’d be nice to have the calendar events be integrated there too. Unfortunately, they currently only support a mail bridge, but the official Proton account on Reddit has made a few comments stating that they’re “looking into” adding CalDAV support to Bridge, but there’s no official timeline on when or if that’ll actually happen. I’m willing to bet it eventually will, but I’ll say I’d definitely appreciate it if they did.

  • The cool thing is, you’re right that you’ve got marketable skills that employers want, you just gotta present them in corporate lingo that sanitizes it of any humanity and fun, lmao. You could rephrase that part about the Minecraft server to something like “Actively maintaining a high-uptime server with [X amount] of daily clients by utilizing [insert type of tools/languages here, e.g. MySQL databases].”

    I’ve always hated the process of “translating” real life experience into the marketable buzzwords that employers like to see, but until it seems like hiring managers on a wider scale are willing to listen to words that normal people would write, I’m gonna keep trying to speak their language.

  • To be fair, if you’re referring to the “alleged” backdoors in Intel processes, there’s pretty similar stuff going on in the AMD side too. That said, I still totally get not wanting to support Intel since they’re definitely the shadiest of the two, and they’ve been awful value these days.

    The Framework 13 AMD is pretty great though, can confirm. It’s all I’ve ever wanted in a decent, repairable laptop.

  • See that’s the cool part, they can’t even sustainably pay video creators via ad revenue 🤠👍

    If there’s anything I’ve learned from the past 10 years on the internet, it’s that a purely ad-supported business model doesn’t work. We’ve gotten to a point where a significant amount of consumers use adblockers (or are just less responsive to ads/rarely click through to the advertiser), and tech companies are trying to counteract this by raising subscription prices for paying customers and trying to find ways to maximize ad views (see: YouTube testing blocking people viewing the site with an adblocker, smart TVs with software closed-off enough that the average person can’t easily block ads, etc.)

    At the end of the day, this is ad companies being as stingy as possible to ensure their profits don’t keep dropping. To me, I just think that betting on a world fueled by ads and data collection was a mistake, and we’re finally starting to see how it’s even hurting the companies trying to profit off that choice.

  • This is honestly a great observation, I’ve noticed on those rare times I need to search for answers to specific questions on reddit, posts have fewer and generally less thorough/helpful comments. The biggest downside to reddit imploding has been the decrease in “real” posts and interactions when you’re trying to find genuine discussions or answers to niche questions.

    That’s the biggest reason I still think Lemmy has a ways to go, there’s not really an efficient way for all these posts to be search-indexed for engines like Google, DDG, etc. If that problem can somehow be solved, it’d do wonders for Lemmy’s discoverability.

    Like you said, there’s definitely flaws to this platform, and by nature of being a community center it’s likely to be targeted for corporate interests, but the architecture of this Federated platform makes it much easier to keep power in the hands of the community and keep things genuine and interesting over here. I’m just glad I have a place to scroll through where people’s comments are longer than a few words, and people seem genuinely interested in interacting.

  • This is the best reply in this entire post. I personally prefer Linux-based OSes and use them for pretty much everything these days, but if you don’t know what you want or what you’re looking for, I’d feel bad telling someone to jump headfirst into a new world. As much as I hate what the Windows platform is these days (imo, an advertising/data collection platform first, operating system second), I wouldn’t suggest someone change their workflow unless they’re truly interested in learning something new (which, depending on your use cases, could be better).

    If OP really wants to use Linux instead, be it for fun or utility, I agree with a lot of people’s suggestions for Pop!_OS or Linux Mint. I’ll also suggest sticking with Fedora or trying Nobara (a gaming-focused distro based on Fedora). I use Fedora for my daily use and Steam works great for my games. Nvidia drivers are easy to install if you need to.

    Overall, anyone who’s going down the path of replacing Windows with Linux should have two things: patience, and some decent web sleuthing skills. Switching to Linux can be incredibly rewarding, but you have to have patience (especially in the beginning) for learning new things or changing default settings to make your OS work for you. I know this is just another drop in the sea of long-ass rants in this post, but maybe this has some helpful info here.