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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • Sigh. We know what we know, but we don’t know everything there is to know. So we don’t know if what we want to know is hidden in the parts that we don’t know. That’s why we can’t claim what we know is enough to prove what isn’t known. We can only assume it as such. And assuming isn’t knowing for a fact, we only pretend it is until it is proven otherwise. Or in other words, not finding evidence doesn’t mean there isn’t any. It just means we’re not finding any.

  • The colour spectrum our eyes can translate is severely limited compared to what exists. Our brain has to select the sensory inputs it relays to us because we are unable to process them all at once. Our ability to sense and understand everything that is around us is but a fraction of what exists even with the external technology we’ve developed to far.

    What we know for a fact is that we have yet to find evidence of the supernatural and until we know all there is to know about this world we live in, we cannot say for certain they do not exist.

  • Here’s the thing, at the core of it, neither the people living in the israelian part nor the ones living in the palestinian one are really at fault here. The general public in general has no time for petty politics, being to busy to make a life. What you really want to blame are the agitators, the people who make it their life to create issues where there are none.

    The majority of the population on both sides just want to live their own life in peace and they are not allowed to. So if you want to side wkth someone, side with them.

    Blame the politicians who promote discord and occupation, blame the guerillas who attack innocent civilians, blame the religious proponents who spread hatred and bile. And plead with the general public to stop being such a bunch of pussies and actually put a stop to all the warmongering for everyone’s sake. Which is something we should all do, everywhere. But we won’t because we’re all pussies as well.