• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I didn’t describe what could happen, but what did happen in real life. Multiple times.

    MCBans is open-source btw, yet nobody checked and changed the source code, as should be expected really. Operators whitelisted alts and friends. Blacklisted server owners who didn’t appreciate that the operators of their global ban list griefed their servers with backdoors.

    Another typical example is 3rd-party Discord ban lists. They whitelist their own staff. They backdoor their bots to fuck around with servers. It’s just the reality of global ban lists.

    If Erlite doesn’t abuse that trust, then someone with admin access will, or Erlite’s successor. That’s a fact, not an opinion. Email spam filters prevent single trust lists with scores, multiple lists, etc.

  • There is no anti-cheat, instead a global ban tracking system was put in place and server admins are now able to share the identities of players who have been caught cheating, banning them on every server, regardless of who is running them, by the hosts simply opting into the global ban system.

    A global ban system without a more nuanced approach is a terrible idea. Operators of that global ban system will whitelist themselves, blacklist people they hate, and maybe even backdoor the mod that enables them to ban people in the first place. Server admins have no choice but to either opt into the entire system or have none at all, and both of these options suck. We’ve seen how this plays out already.

    Score players by your own criteria, weight everything with different blacklists, greylists and whitelists, etc. and ban players if they exceed a threshold automatically. It won’t be perfect, but email catches most spam emails that way just fine.

  • Fedora@lemmy.haigner.metoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlThe eye-opener commit
    8 months ago

    I worked on software that’s roughly as bug-free as a living bug. Intended behavior crashed the software. The master branch was broken, no way to compile the software without local changes. Devs hunted down suppressed exceptions to find out why everything crashes and burns on a daily basis. Unit tests are in the backlog, we’ll get around to it eventually.

    Code reviews are ask whoever is available to approve your changes without looking at the code. Most seniors abused suppressed exceptions to use the Java Streams API, no proper technical justification. So my first official task was to unsuppress all exceptions. This caught many seniors off-guard, but made crashes infinitely easier to diagnose.

    I would’ve done that even if it wasn’t my task. Shotgun debugging is hell. I don’t want to learn which component is most likely to fail silently due to retarded suppressed exceptions. Do your job properly ffs. Don’t shoot others in the foot. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot. You have absolutely no reason to shoot people’s feet. Stop it.

  • If people give up on maintainable solutions like Wayland, then there’s no way in hell anyone picks up Xorg ever again. My Xorg issues remain wontfix. Wayland issues are now wontfix. Nobody works on Wayland and Xorg. Linux desktop is officially dead. I either switch back to Windows or buy a MacBook. I won’t invest time into an ecosystem that’s destined to die a slow, but guaranteed death.

    I’m sure a lot of people try to hold onto their beloved abandonware to keep their Linux desktop alive, but why should AMD, Intel and NVIDIA care about Linux desktop now that the Linux community doesn’t have enough fucks to give to maintain Linux desktop? May as well save driver development costs and drop Wayland and Xorg support from future graphics cards.

  • because everything works fine in Xorg.

    … for you. I got the honor to try to find the correct match of specific NVIDIA driver version, desktop environment and compositor to get anything even remotely usable back when NVIDIA only supported Xorg. I was greeted with either an entire crash, black screen, graphical glitches, and/or screen flickering if I forgot to pin package versions. Connecting displays from right to left crashed everything, so I was forced to change my display setup to left to right. Of course, waking up displays from sleep never worked either. So don’t pretend that Wayland is a broken mess while abandonware Xorg is our Lord and savior.

    Stop pushing people towards Wayland, let it happen naturally when it will be ready and better, and they’ll come. Trying to force adoption will just make people resent it.

    Software vendors drag their feet to adopt Wayland as nobody forces them to adopt Wayland. Again, Wayland works fine. X11 features don’t work in Wayland. But Wayland isn’t X11. Xwayland solves a lot of these problems. Software vendors back then didn’t port their Windows software to OS/2 due to OS/2’s Windows compatibility. Video game publishers today don’t port their games to Linux in part due to Steam Proton. Software vendors today don’t port their X11 software to Wayland due to Xwayland. So the ideal solution is to force a critical mass to adopt Wayland, drop Xwayland, and let software vendors suffer from the consequences of ignoring 16 years of Linux desktop protocol innovation.

  • But Wayland’s technical merits are relevant in a subtle way. Wayland is maintainable. Xorg isn’t. That’s it, the single most important technical merit. Everyone works on Wayland. Nobody works on Xorg. If people decide to use X11 today, their issues are wontfix with the solution to use Wayland instead. They can’t fix the issues themselves because X11 is an unmaintainable mess. Xorg is on life support with the only purpose to serve Xwayland.

  • If they don’t work, then clearly its broken.

    Protocols are fine. Clients may speak one or another protocol. But protocols aren’t broken when clients designed to speak one protocol fail to speak a different protocol. It’s like saying English is broken because my friend only knows German, except English is Wayland, German is X11 and my friend is clients. Wayland is always ready to listen to clients that speak Wayland.

  • What if we cannot afford the space of keeping everything backed uo forever?

    You enforce a reasonable data retention policy, or charge for it.

    What if it has been a year? Where do we put the limits to “okay, this is stupid” and “this is perfectably reasonable”?

    If you fail to recover data for everyone, then the data retention is too low. If you succeed to recover data for everyone, then the data retention is too high. Pick a data retention policy that leans towards long enough that you can recover data for most people, or charge extra for it. It’s not that complicated.

    What if the action cannot be reversed,

    Tech support can reverse the action in this case, so I don’t see how this is relevant.

    […], and after deletion you need to anonimyze particularly sensitive data?

    Most software doesn’t process credit card transactions, so I don’t see how this is relevant. Even if they did, they probably have to keep the data around due to regulatory requirements.

    I say to all that, READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. If you are not apt enough to read and research about the software, you are not apt enough to use it.

    People should at least try to make usable software first, but manuals are fine.

    Same with hardware. You cut your finger because you didnt follow instructions clearly laid out for you not to cut your finger when using a saw? Maybe sawing was not for you mate

    Yeah, shit happens, assuming they receive proper training and the saw complies with safety standards.

  • Fedora@lemmy.haigner.metoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.ml"They'll get it for sure"
    8 months ago

    I feel like that anger should be directed at the people who made the software, not the people who use it.

    The foolproof solution here is to… give people the option to restore what they deleted without contacting tech support. It’s obviously needed.

    Nobody can expect anyone to read multiple warnings asking them if they’re really really sure whether they want to perform a reversible action they set out to do.

    That’s a textbook example of a poor design that breeds more people desensitized to warnings.