• 17 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • There is still plenty of potassium its just about cost of extraction and shipping.

    The phosphorus supply is much more concentrated mostly in morrocco & western sahara , we high graded the low contaminant stuff already and are getting nastier P with more heavy metals. Africa is almost wholly P deficient and population is supposed to rise by 3+billion, yet they have the highest fertilizer costs in the world because supply chains and transport dont penetrate cost effectively with roadblocks every 100km across much of the continent that require bribes. so paradoxically the continent with like 80% of global P reserves and the most desperate need gets the least. Even governments and corporations doing land grabs have had trouble getting production up to standard and the costs of inputs in africa .


    globally, about 20% of agricultural soils face severe potassium deficiency, with particular regions likely to experience more critical shortages, including 44% of agricultural soils in South-East Asia, 39% in Latin America, 30% in Sub-Saharan Africa and 20% in East Asia, largely due to more intensive agricultural practices.

    Canada, Russia, Belarus and China producing 80% of the world’s total raw potash.

    in April 2022, the price of potash increased 500% above the previous year following a “perfect storm” of factors, including rising fertilizer demand, escalating fuel prices, recovery from the pandemic, a range of government actions around the world, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Russia and Belarus together export about 42% of the world’s potash supply

    2021, global potash consumption reached 45 million metric tons

    And then of course they come in with some hopium crackhead dream bullshit like “Developing a global circular potassium economy that minimizes the use and maximizes the reuse and recycling of the nutrient” as if the current system is retrofittable for anything remotely like that. Even with perfect circular economy at scale, potassium still leaches from soil and is lost from agriculture.

  • Holy shit i was really just hoping that 2023 was an anomaly and now i see we are in the next level of “oh shit!”

    No recovery back towards old trend yet. This could be snowballing, or eh uh i guess the opposite of snowballing. ?Fireballing?

    This could be a system perturbed into a new higher equilibrium but with the feedback who knows how far this can go. blue ocean arctic ☠️

  • been coming to canada for 3 years now and this place is getting very noticeably more and more homeless people and tent cities each time and i mean from 1 person in an area to 10 to this time 100. People freeze to death in the night fairly common, nobody seems to care and it isnt brought up. Blows my mind the homeless dont cooperate and take over any of these abandoned buildings and fight the police about it make some media show they are booting them out to freeze to death. The apathy of late stage capitalism is incredible, its people dying of cold with police stopping them from making fires or getting decent shelter. Makes me curious how bad the jails are but im not going to try to find out because it will fuck up my passport.

    the medical system is fully broken here despite the universal healthcare, even americas fake universal healthcare works better in many states versus canada system. lots of it is because the drs and nurses move to usa for more pay. nonlocal food prices here are outrageous and you can really see what people would be eating if it was local only. Typical northern european fair like storage cabbage ,potatoes , carrots, etc… very bland diet, i eat it because moneys tight. Rent is insane. a single room in a crack house 750$-1050$