"Buy Me A Coffee"

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m also running Ubuntu as my main machine at home. (I have a Mac and do Android development for my day job).

    But at home, I do a lot of website and backend dev.

    1. Code in VSCode
    2. Build using docker buildx
    3. Test using a local container on my machine
    4. Upload the tested code to a feature brach on git (self hosted server)
    5. Download that same feature branch on a RaspberryPi for QA testing.
    6. Merge that same code to develop 6a. That kicks off a CI build that deploys a set of docker images to DockerHub.
    7. Merge that to main/master.
    8. That kicks off another CI build.
    9. SSH into my prod machine and run docker compose up -d

  • That looks like actually responded. The ::1 is ipv6’s localhost which seems odd. As for the wong ipv4 I’m not sure.

    I normally see something like requested but responded if the router was forcing traffic to their DNS servers.

    You can also specify the DNS server to use when using nslookup like: nslookup www.google.com And you can see if you get and different answers from there. But what you posted doesn’t seem out of the ordinary other than the ::1.

    Edit just for shits and giggles also try nslookup xx.xx.xx.xx where xx.xx… is the wrong up from the other side of the world and see what domain it returns.

  • Another thing that can be happening is that the router or firewall is redirecting all port 53 traffic to their internal DNS servers. (I do the same thing at home to prevent certain devices from ignoring my router’s DNS settings cough Android cough)

    One way you can check for this is to run “nslookup some.domain” from a terminal and see where the response comes from.

  • First I can’t speak for the Memmy devs but here’s my personal experience:

    In theory something like a mobile app doesn’t really have any reoccurring costs, at least not with Lemmy, etc… Not natively, anyway. Sure there’s the $100 cost for an iOS dev account but that’s nothing in the end. Should Lemmy start to introduce API access fees, again that could change, but that’s a long way off if ever.

    The question really comes down to, long term, how much time are the devs spending on development and if they want to make money with this or not.

    As some of us find this sort of development, well “fun”, and just do this as a hobby rather than as an income stream. And any small costs we’ll just eat because quite frankly we were going to build these apps anyway, if not just for ourselves why not share them with the rest of the community?

    Long story short, Memmy (and the other mobile apps) may not need to charge anything as it’s not costing the devs anything more than time. Now Lemmy itself, is a completely different story.

  • marsara9@lemmy.worldtoLemmy@lemmy.mlLemmy content aggregator bot list
    1 year ago

    Maybe. 2nd idea I’ve got is that if no one is replying after say 24hrs and something like 75-80% of your posts are as such and you have at least 100 such posts, you get added to the list?

    Main concern I see about something like this is false positives and how someone real could end up getting blocked.

    I definitely want to think on this some more but it might have some legs.

  • …I wonder if there’s a programmatic way to detect these bots? Some sort of analysis on their posting behavior?

    If they’re playing nice they’ll have the bot flag checked in their profile, and then maybe build a list of any bot that creates posts? As most of the “good” bots just reply to comments? Anyway just thinking out loud. But I’m thinking I could easily add a public API to my search engine that just returns a list of “posting bots”…