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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The fear of criminals committing crimes after incarnation is irrational and unfounded. For example murder has the lowest residencism rate of any crime followed by possession of underage porn. Two extreme and serious crimes.

    Moreover, there are on average two million people incarcerated in the United States at any given time. That means a large portion of the American population are ex-fellons. Chances are you’ve been around felons of serious crimes on a daily basis and you’d never even know.

    Fear mongering about some made up issues like rapists and murders working and living in our society is completely unfounded and irrational.

    Take the sex offender registry, it has done absolutely nothing to deter sex crimes and is generally disliked in law enforcement due to its uselessness.

    OPs feelings are valid in the same sense that a racist’s feelings are just as valid about how much they hate minorities. Just because a feeling is valid doesn’t make it right.

    So, I’ll say it again. The only reason you and op feel this way is because you’re probably not felons, therefore check your privilege.

  • I once signed up to an only fans I fancied just to see what the hubbub was all about. I paid my monthly fee which was like 10 or 11 bucks. I had access to her whole catalog including live shows. I managed to catch one of those live shows and by the end of it, only about 30 minutes long, she managed to get 800 bucks in tips.

    People were tipping her 200 300 hundreds bucks at a time as she diddled her self with various implements.

    Insanity. There is literally limitless free porn in this genre out there. There is absolutely no reason to pay for any of this.

    And yet… There you have it. This woman made close to 1000 dollars for doing something she’d probably do anyway.

  • Let’s entertain a thought experiment here.

    1. The earth suddenly reverses rotation. Basically the entire surface of the earth is subjected to a massive reversal of force. The tidal waves would wash over most of the land we have everything would be wrenched asunder the crust of the earth would tear spilling magma into barren oceans.

    2. The earth slows down stops then starts spinning again. Gravity would become weaker and weaker one side of the earth would be perpetual night and the other side perpetual day the atmosphere would dissipate into space along with anything loose on the surface which includes all the water we have all life would perish. Slowly, as the earth starts to spin again gravity might pull some of its materials back down but hardly enough to make a difference. The earth would be a barren wasteland.

    3. The earth suddenly stops spinning. Everything on the surface of the earth including all its water and the atmosphere would be violently flung into outer space. All life would perish as our human corpses hurled at extreme speeds through our solar system.


  • Wow. Amazing. Like what kind of an answer is “if you’re inside a car you can see the car”. This doesn’t answer a damned thing!

    We don’t “know” what kind of galaxy we are in because we’ve never seen it from the outside. That would be impossible with our current technology.

    Instead we have made very smart evidence-based assumptions as to how our galaxy looks.

    What we know is that we are definitely in a galaxy because the general structure of the universe precludes such a conclusion. The extreme vast majority of matter is condensed in structures that are very uniform, we call them galaxies, therefore we must also be in one.

    On a very clear night in certain parts of the world we are able to see in the sky a large elongated collection of stars which the ancients called the Milky Way because it resembles milk flowing down a smooth surface or something along those lines. What we currently believe is that that elongated formation of stars is an arm of one of the spirals that comprises our galaxy. We are also able to look at other structures using telescopes in our galaxy for example we have determined that we have a supermassive black hole in the center as many other spiral galaxies do as well.

    So to answer your question we cannot see the Milky Way galaxy as a whole only certain parts of it and we’ve been able to draw conclusions by seeing other galaxies.

    All the other comments here making neurotic epitaphs and idiotic analogies about how seeing something from the inside is the same as seeing something from the outside is just dumb and pompous if you don’t know the answer don’t say anything.