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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • How good is good do you say?

    We got a pretty good results with CER at 4% and WER at 15%!

    This was on a limited dataset used to test and train which most likely means that if you introduced an even larger dataset with greater variations in handwriting style for testing the numbers might be even worse.

    Very simplified: A risk of a character wrong every 20th character and a word wrong every 7th word. The SER was around 20%.

    There’s an reason why no one has released a good model for western letters yet and why companies pay up to 1€ for capturing data from 10 handwritten pages.

    It will come but OCR isn’t as sexy as developing text2image solutions.

  • To train an AI to recognize handwriting you need a huge dataset of handwriting examples. That is millions of samples of handwritten text + information about what the written text says in every example).

    This is why the best engines only exists as a service in the cloud. The OCR engines you can install lovely that are acceptable, but far from perfect, are commercial. Parascript FormXtra is one of the better commercial ones.

    The only OCR Engine that’s free and really good is Tesseract OCR but it doesn’t handle handwritten text.

  • I’m openly critical against the whole NATO thing and DSA but you’re just being silly, ignorant, a troll or all of the above.

    I’d rather be a part of the Western military industrial complex than being Ukraine since 2014.

    If Russia just could stop aspiring to be the premier asshole of the northern hemisphere, Sweden would still be “neutral” and democratic neighbors of Russia wouldn’t be forced to put huge amounts of tax money into arms instead of healthcare.

    Russia essentially attacked the guy sitting next to them on the bus because they felt the guy was sitting too close.

    Of course everyone on the bus gets scared of the idiot attacking people!

  • Normally it’s not lack of Windows compatibility breaking the use of an application with wine, it’s the frameworks and libraries the application was built with/need to have access to.

    So check what additional libraries and stuff your application have as a prerequisite. Visual C 2005? 2010? DotNet framework? Which version? And so on.

    When you know what the application needs, then you can Google for “wine DotNet 4.5” (just an example) to get a feeling what problems people had and how they solved it.

    Essentially wine needs to know where to find them when you start your application with/in wine.

    Also, if your application uses MSSQL Express or similar, you might be out of luck. So if that’s the case you should start googling on how to get that running (if even possible) before installing.

    Good luck, be stubborn and make sure to have fun. There’s a lot you’ll learn in this adventure of yours that will come in handy again and again in the future.

  • The statistics seem to be based on User Agent. A lot of people"fake" their user agent to avoid fingerprinting and other things.

    I myself used to do it when I wanted to download Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft. If your UA said anything Windows you were forced to use download Microsoft USB Tool. If it said Linux you got a direct link to the ISO.

  • As someone who’s been writing for close to ten years now, I would tend to think I would get paid at this point. Or, at least write for a site that would. I can’t begin to describe in words how frustrating and unfair it’s been to see websites that are “younger” than me become so successful that they’re able to write for their site as a full-time job in just one year.

    This is a truth I’ve seen again and again throughout my career (started my career in IT in the 90’s). Just because you’re awesome at something doesn’t guarantee you a fat bank account. The people who most often succeed are the ones that have at least some knowledge of a subject and some understanding of how business work.

    It doesn’t mean anything that you’re the best at what you do if you don’t know how to get the customer to sign the agreement.

  • The problem is that the vast majority of end users prefer apps over websites. They have no clue whatsoever that 99% of all apps are essentially just wrapped websites.

    Since Mozilla has been unable to find a viable business model (No, relying on Google handouts is not a viable business model) I fear that there is only one possible future and a free web is not part of it.

  • Microsoft office has been able to open odt files since 2010.

    Furthermore, LibreOffice does not always create/save files 100% compatible with MSO. I used to use Libre office because free. Word documents I have created/edited in LibreOffice were always a little broken layout wise when the document is opened in Word.

    Whether it is because LibreOffice does a shitty job converting to docx when saving, Microsoft added in some anti competitor shit in Word or that the docx standard is vague is a discussion for another time.

  • You can set the camera to store the pictures as JPEG. I am happy with JPEG for my holiday photos. Just check that you have the best quality setting since JPEG uses lossy compression.

    While HEIF is not the doomsday thing some describes it as, it currently is somewhat problematic.

    There are for example problems, originating in differences in implementation between different hardware vendors, with 10-bit and HDR.