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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • I don’t know why the guy just assumed every linux and BSD machine runs cups-browsed by default?

    It took me literally 5 seconds to check that it’s disabled on Fedora by default.

    Then he wrote a whole paragraph about how no one should use CUPS for printing because based off of his own analysis, it’s some insanely crappy and insecure system.

    Which is actually stupid because the only alternative is windows??? Which is universally known for printer driver and spooler vulnerabilities.

    Then he got mad the the maintainer for patching before his disclosure…

  • Pizzagate was kind of a joke though, all the damage from the email leaks involving the DNC was already done by then.

    The only thing it accomplished was maybe slightly increasing Republican votes. Everyone on the left side had already decided how they would vote.

    It’s similar to Harris in that she chose to ignore the uncommitted movement a while ago, which means most of the left has already decided how they’re gonna vote. Any last minute details are unlikely to change much unless it’s seriously huge.

  • People fear the same thing about Valve.

    One wrong person and we could all end up in the same money milk machine as EA.

    I know people complain about Linus hurling insults at merge requests, but his rigidness is what keeps the kernel viable. If it weren’t for him, google would have already shit all over it with a mega fork and essentially cornered the market like they did with Android and HTTP3.

    Both are technically “open source”, yet Google essentially dictates what they want or need for their economic purpose, like ignoring JPEGXL, forcing AVIF, making browsers bloaty, using manifestv3, etc. Android is even worse and may as well be considered separate from Linux because it’s just google’s walled garden running on the linux kernel.

    He is open to new technology, but he understands the fundamental effects of design choices and will fight people over it to prevent the project from fracturing due to feature breaking changes, especially involving userspace.

  • 768 votes wth is wrong with Americans bruh


    If you can create a successful grassroots political party in an environment where your party members and constituents are constantly attacked, murdered, bombed, jailed, tortured, votes faked, votes destroyed, and vote miscounts, you can definitely pull it off in the USA.

    It took Pakistan only 20 years to cause a collapse of their corrupt 2 party system and challenge the military dictatorship. People never believed PTI would mount any sort of challenge, but they did by building a solid populist movement, despite facing all of the above.

    The “you must vote the lesser evil” is a fallacy that both parties in the USA perpetuate in an attempt to convince you to believe 3rd party voting is a waste of time.

    You can’t just sit back and complain about the rigged system like “but muh first past the poll voting” as if either Democrats or Republicans will change the system in any way to make it easier for their rivals.

    This is exactly why I dislike the Democratic party in particular so much. They are a corporate monolith that pretends to care about your leftist demands by handing out pennies worth of change to get your vote, then the second they refuse to actually significantly change something you demand, they have the audacity to blame you, the voter, for not sucking up to their shitty policies when they inevitably lose the election.

    Current case in point: "There is no genocide in Gaza, and we believe we can win without our constituents because our opponent is a mentally insane baby ".

    Shittiest take on this community by far.

  • Other than the stuff already mentioned here, people (probably fairly accurately) thought Linus was a salesman douche with no real knowledge of computers back in the NCIX days.

    It was partially true, he was basically a warehouse manager who happened to get lucky making a successful youtube channel which he turned into his own media business after NCIX died.

    But that’s what the key term is. It’s Linus Media Group. Their top goal is to create content that generates views for revenue, and not content that might be useful or takes a lot of effort to do.

    Which is why you will almost never see any heavy IT people watching his videos. There are so many examples of people running entire data centers in their house better than LMG could do with actual budget, server space, and hardware. They used to use windows server for everything because they didn’t have anyone who knew linux lol.

  • iirc due to some anti trust lawsuits, they cannot do that anymore.

    But it’s still easy to coerce OEMs to run Windows because they offer stuff like quick support and standardized IT support.

    If an OEM ships Linux, they don’t want to have to make an entire department to help troubleshoot the OS for users who will inevitably call for help. Ignoring them would only result in returns and loss of sales.

    I think some thinkpads actually do ship with some distro like redhat or opensuse as an option, but that’s because thinkpads are very popular in the business space which means lots of CS people use them, so it helps save some cost from a windows license that won’t get used.

    Like I said though, if windows really dives into the deep end, I think a potential market would open and some OEM will take a chance on it.

  • Not to be that guy but why not use Curve25519?

    I still remember all the conspiracies surrounding NIST and now 25519 is the default standard.

    In 2013, interest began to increase considerably when it was discovered that the NSA had potentially implemented a backdoor into the P-256 curve based Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm.[11] While not directly related,[12] suspicious aspects of the NIST’s P curve constants[13] led to concerns[14] that the NSA had chosen values that gave them an advantage in breaking the encryption.[15][16]

  • There’s plenty of videos on YouTube of people trying Linux for the first time, and it can be painful to watch how poorly they try to fix something or unintentionally break their system.

    That’s not to say windows is any better, because they’d do the same thing there.

    But people will only switch permanently if windows really falls off hard, which may or may not happen.

    You have to think of it like how people first learned to use a mouse and double click back in the 90s. It’s not immediately intuitive for everyone, they often have to start over.

    That being said, having a big OEM ship linux would do wonders, but Microsoft fights hard to make sure that almost never happens.

  • I’ve been accused of being a Trump supporter multiple times because of comments on Gaza… as I read top comment of a dumbass calling people who denounce Harris as confirmed Trump supporters…

    Anyways it’s the same in practically any niche technology, you just tend to see more leftists because they happen to be the ones creating and using said technology.

    There’s still a large portion of Republicans who use cable/satellite TV, but don’t have internet besides their cellphone plan. They’d only come if lemmy became a popular de facto social platform like Facebook.

  • Yeah that means the driver is loaded fine, but it looks like it is selecting the iGPU by default. You have several options to fix this.

    1. You can disable integrated graphics in the bios if there is an option for it. This is the easiest, but if you’re on a laptop, leaving it enabled might save some battery in which case goto 2.

    2. You can tell either each program or the OS to prefer the Nvidia GPU. The way you do this also depends on how the gpu is set up (most laptops have it as secondary)

    You can test this by running __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia glxgears in one terminal, and nividia-smi in a second terminal to verify a program (in this case glxgears) is running on the nvidia gpu.

    I’ll try to find a good guide, but depending on the setup, it could be a simple MUX switch you can flip to change between iGPU and Nvidia GPU, or with the use of some preference selector tool (I think it was called prime?).

    It’s confusing because lots of laptops essentially use the Nvidia GPU as offload which makes it a bit tricky to coaxe it into using the correct one.

  • It’s because she wasn’t a major contestant in the 2016 primary because people voted for better candidates. Also, she seems to be a 1:1 copy paste of Biden, which isn’t good because people didn’t like Biden half assing his promises in office and giving republicans an easy time making a counter campaign.

    On top of that she basically told the uncommitted group to get bent, so that gives Trump more voter leverage similar to how he beat Hillary.

    Biden was met with the same voter response because he was voted in explicitly to remove Trump. Otherwise he’s known as being Obama’s VP, of which even Obama said that he should retire afterwards because he was a centrist.

    It’s the same deal as 2016, where the DNC thinks campaigning on “lesser evil” is a viable strategy in order to retain their lobby money. If the RNC actually had more than two brain cells, they could easily win this election by having their candidates not act like insane asylum criminals.

  • Honestly DCTs make up for it, especially when your customer base is mostly people who don’t know how to drive anyway.

    Using a manual is easy, but using it to go fast can actually be pretty hard. You have to time everything right, compensate for a bunch of conditions, coax the shifter because its using synchros, feather the clutch accordingly, heel-toe downshift correctly, etc. It’s extremely rewarding and useful if you actually want to have complete control over your car, but I doubt your average rich guy is gonna want to put that much effort into driving.

    Manual shifting a modern Lambo would just be such a chore with how fast the RPM changes too (plus the loss of power from clutch would be even more noticeable). Current high end manuals just choose to stay with 6 gears so the gap stays comfortable, but you obviously lose some efficiency.

    DCTs will do that all for you, the only thing you lose is a mechanical shifter (which if you’re into manuals you very much miss lol) and the ability to do some clutch tricks (ie loss of some mechanical controls because its automatic).

    Now putting a regular old torque converting automatic transmission into a sports car is a waste (and has many examples of such). They are very slow because they aren’t deigned to rapidly change gears like you can in a manual. Even a CVT would be better from a practicality standpoint.

  • If its big enough, try the rubber band trick to get some grip.

    If its a tiny electronic screw, you’ll have to very carefully coax it out with either some needle nose pliers by gripping the outside, or by using a slightly larger screwdriver head and ensuring it doesn’t spin (very tricky, easy to strip screw further, using rubber band here might also help).

    If the case can handle it, you can use the larger head and give it some decent amount of pressure to make sure it doesn’t spin when you turn. Again be careful, because pushing too hard could break the case.

    You might have to inch it fractions of a turn at a time to make sure it doesn’t break, so it’ll take a while before it becomes loose enough to spin out by hand.