• 3 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I consulted with professor gpt and it seams that it’s basicly just giving the same ip address to multiple servers meaning that any of said servers can serve as that ip.

    Also it seems said ips require paying large sums of money to isps. My poiny was more that with the current mainstream internet (http websockets etc) it would require you to run a local service/proxy that can interpret a global id and route to basicly any small server with said resource. Unfortunatly i dont think its possible to build such a thing that would just work across browsers if embedded into a standard webpage.

  • I mean the optimal cdn is maximally distributed to reduce load and latency right. Unfortunatly the web was not built in a manner that supports this.

    Eg if we could have a single url for the same object that could be served by any server that is part of the fediverse then the fediverse itself would be an optimal cdn.

    Perhaps we should take some notes from peertube. Plus more legitimate bit torrent content on the internet as a whole is hardly a bad thing make the isp’s jobs harder for places without net neutrality.

  • Well its broken down in layers. Jeans have the basic essentials: Phone pixel 7 with graphene keys on karabiner minimal headphones jbl tour pro 2 wallet thick leather + cash is king Bic lighter

    Then the jacket with the level up:

    Smiggle smokes box (contains rolling papers filters etc) Chopsticks Chewing gum Hacksmith jet lighter Serviettes Bottle opener String Condom Pen mechanical pencil Notebook Calapers 15cm ruler Usb a+c think drive 1 for data 1 with custom version of kali linux

    Need to add powerbank (pls reccommend)

    Then my backpack wich is almost averyday but not nessasarilly everywhwre i go. Laptop lenovo thinkpad + manjaro linux proper notepad/paper Protractor 40cm ruler Water bottle Stubby 120W usb c charger 2x usbc2usbc cables Socks Jocks Spair tshirt Lock picks Standars shit panadol etc

    Then of cause there is the car but its more careying me not careying it. But lets just say its ready for the zombie apocalyse.

    Havnt gone into details about pocket order/organiswtion etc but there is a system.

    Dont carry a knife or gun cos its illegal in my country but if it wasnt i definatly would.

  • Well the vegans have a few critical issues with their logic.

    The average vegan diet actually kills more animals due to pesticides, monocrop agriculture, soil quality degradation, etc etc than that of that of an omnivorous diet. But nobody cares about this because who cares that a couple trillion bugs, beetles, spiders, worms etc died when a couple million cute fluffy little animals died. If it was about saving life then they could do more by not getting a smartphone u know how many human child slaves died to make this thing?

    The environmental impact is a mute point because we physically do not globally have enough existing farmland that can support the crops required to produce enough protein sustainably, eg u can farm cattle on a million acres of half desert good luck growing crops their.

    Then their the whole evolution argument. We beat every single animal in the African planes not because we where smarter fasted stronger better but because more calories = bigger brain = smarter, we got said additional calories because we discovered 2 things. Smack bone with rock get marrow. 2 put meat in fire more calories. We literally won evolution because we can eat meat more efficiently than other animals could.

    Then their is the whole consent thing. Bees can up a leave a hive at any point they want, they do not because they pay honey taxes to the smart monkeys who in exchange offer absolute protection. Bees consented to us eating their honey therefore honey is vegan.

    Then u get to the point where u realise evolutionarily most of the species we eat we artificially created and protected putting them in the most successfull evolutionary niche in the history of our planet. That being human support class ie food. Are we using them or are they using us? It looks like a symbiotic relationship to me. Whats the difference between this and the bacteria in my gut cos i sure as shit didnt ask my shit if it consented to be my literal fucking shit.

    And finally the pro lifer chicken argument. Why cant u kill a non fertilised chicken egg but u can kill a fertilised human egg? Is it the consent of the eggs creator thats required? Chickens dont exist naturally they are an artificial species that we created so i guess if we can consent to eat a chickens egg on behalf of the chicken really depends on what came first the chicken or the egg?