• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • I mostly drink Shan tea which has added toasted sticky rice flavour and a very strong black tea with milk and sugar, the way indians introduced back in colonial time.

    Shan tea is simple. Just put it in a flask with hot water, wait a bit and drink slowly.

    Black tea with milk has to be brewed hard though. Tannins are part of the flavour. I personally brew for about 15 to 30 mins. Actual tea stalls brew much longer, like hours long. Also tea leaves to water ratio is quite low as well. The tea needs to be fairly tart. Then we add evaporated milk and sweetener. A serving should be quite small because the tea is strong. May be around 100-150ml.

  • Holy hell, a lot of what you just described hit right home with me.

    I started off as one of the cheap developers (“technical consultant”) for one of those Microsoft business products. Almost every single one of our customers are already ingrained into Microsoft ecosystems and setting up the system we customize and sell is mostly a matter of integrating into their existing AD, Exchange Mail Server and sometimes their private cloud. I was pretty ignorant of open source tools that would tremendously help even if you’re mostly using Microsoft. Ignorant might not be the right word. It would be more correct to say “afraid to peek out of the comfortable Microsoft bubble”. It wasn’t just me, a lot of propriety consultants don’t really bother with anything else. If something’s beyond our capabilities we can always get the support of Microsoft, supposedly. This chain of responsibility give end customers assurance somehow. Like you said, assurance on who to blame and sue at least.

    Took me a while to break out of Microsoft bubble and now I do open source ERP. I do get by okay, but I think it’s mostly because my country cannot afford Microsoft license fees.

  • There is Ngatetpya the great cat burglar of Myanmar. He was an actual person from 15th century or something but the later myth describe him as having as having super natural powers granted by enchanted tattoos on his legs. Like neighbouring country of Thailand, the tradition of enchanted tattoos were quite big in ancient Myanmar. You were not considered a man until you have thighs full of tattoos. Anyway, he could jump really high by slapping on his thighs, steal from rich people using his jumping powers and gave back to the poor. When he was finally caught, the king asked him to choose the weapon with which he was to be executed. The burglar blatantly said that he chose the queen consort. The gall of this guy impressed the king so much that he let him serve in his army. History described him as a successful scout/assasin in the king’s army.