As a french, I’m sick about pretty blond girls that ask about everything because they are blond girls… Yes you’re beautiful, no it’s not a pass you can use anytime.
As a french, I’m sick about pretty blond girls that ask about everything because they are blond girls… Yes you’re beautiful, no it’s not a pass you can use anytime.
It’s not about the price, nobody will pay. People who use Meta doesn’t care about privacy. They will just click “accept for free” and that’s it…
It’s a way to force people to accept theire conditions even if the law force them to give us the choice.
Joke on you!
Feel Free and secure with privacy
It’s funny! I come this week from windows 11 to Linux Mint.
I replace Fusion 360 by Freecad (I start with some YouTube tutorials) And Cura is avaliable on Linux!
31, french, with an automatic since 5 years, but drive manual from my 18 years
Knowing Nîmes well, he already live this situation… But I’m agree with you
I know, I only use Signal ! But tell that to all the others who explain to my why Whatsapp is so much better…
Window 11… Easy to play I confess
Klipper, for 3d printing. Most of current manufacturer use it as primary software for their printers.