• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Fake nudes of real people are generally illegal, regardless of if the nude is real, or photoshopped, or AI generated.

    People have been arrested and convicted for AI porn of real people.

    For now convictions seem to be confined to people who have already created/used more traditional CSAM (hidden cameras). This could just be because it is hard to catch someone simply generating images, so if someone with no record would be jailed for just fake nudes remains an open question. Fake nudes of fictional people are also very much an open question. Being very new technology, new laws have yet to be made, so feel free to write to lawmakers about where the line should be.

  • CO2 emissions are not the only problem with burning things for power. Air polution causes an estimated 3.6 million deaths annualy (thats like world war 2 every 20 years), with the bulk of those (2.1 million) being caused just by ultrafine soot and ozone from burning fues. Additionaly, burning coal produces huge amount of ashes that are full of toxic heavy metals, in quanties that are near impossible to safely dispose of. Most of this ash just gets pilled up, where it it gets blown into the enviroment. (Fun fact, these ash piles are radioactive from naturaly occuring uranium and thorium)

    The only way out is to stop burning things as fuel.

  • This would be real nice if this let you easly run commands as SYSTEM or TrustedInstaller from a script, not just as Admin. Not only can Admin be reached from the “Run as Admininstrator” menu option, is actualy quite limited for messing around with system files. For the most part, Admin lets you mess with system settings/registry, and user files, but not with a lot if system/application files without TAKEOWNing everything.

  • Looking at other people’s schematics and messing around with making changes to them is a great way to pick up new tricks, but I recomend you also lean some of the basics. Experimentation is the best way to learn and internalize, so make sure do do plenty of that. I highly recomend you pick up a decent solderless breadboard, assortment of parts, an adjustable lab power suppy, multimeter, and osciloscope. For assembling projects in a more permenent way, I would recomend a perfboard, some thin insulated wire, solder and flux, and a good soldering iron.