Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitates it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Is on but created this profile on during a week-long outage.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2024


  • So I decided to go peek at the ragecomic subreddit. Yes, the very one-time ragecomic home-from-home outside of 4chan. Last post 17 days ago, using at least two “extinct” faces, got 600 upvotes.

    It’s complaining that there are no good tools to make ragecomics any more. (I have not checked to see if that’s true.)

    Y’know, I feel like they should stay there. Anything that’ll mess up an AI should stay on that site for as long as humanly possible. smilingthumbsuprageface.jaypeg

  • An analogy:

    My Swiss Army knife has a screwdriver on it. It’s nice to have, and I even used it recently.

    It juts out perpendicular to the middle of the knife’s body though, making a literal " |- " shape, so for many applications it’s too awkward for the job.

    I also have a more traditional screwdriver. As and when I come to build a new PC, I don’t think I’ll be using the one on the knife.

  • xterm is a terminal emulator, not a shell. Anything that produces a terminal-compatible text stream can be started as the first program.

    e.g. xterm -e nano, assuming you have the nano editor installed, has no instance of a traditional shell (e.g. bash, zsh) running between the xterm and the editor, but the editor still works.

    You could argue that makes the editor itself a shell of sorts, because it’s interactive and you can do things with it, but it’s still not the xterm that inherits that title.

  • You might have some files hard-linked across directories, or worse (but less likely), there’s a directory hard-link (not supposed to happen) somewhere.

    For the uninitiated, a hard-link is when more than one filename points at the same file data on the disk. This is not the same as a symbolic link. Symbolic links are special files that contain a file or directory name and the OS knows to follow them to that destination. (And they can be used to link to directories safely.)

    Some programs are not hard-link aware and will count a hard-linked file as many times as it sees it through its different names. Likewise they will count the entire contents of a hard-linked directory through each name.

    Programs tend not to be fooled by symlinks because it’s more obvious what’s going on.

    Try running a duplicate file finder. Don’t use it to delete anything, but it might help you determine which directories the files are in and maybe why it’s like that.

    Also back up everything important and arrange for a fsck on next boot. If it’s a hard-linked directory fsck might be able to fix it safely, but it might choose the wrong name to be the main one and remove the other, breaking something. Or remove both. Or it’s something else entirely, which by “fixing” will stabilise the system but might cause some other form data loss.

    That’s all unlikely, but it’s nice to have that backup just in case.

  • This whole saga reminds me of the time I somehow ended up with Windows 9x’s “Recent Documents” feature pointed at the root of a drive, so when I pushed the button to “clear recent documents” it dutifully started deleting all the files on the drive.

    At the time, the “Recent Documents” feature created shortcuts to, as you might guess, recently opened documents and put them in a user folder specifically for that purpose. Clearing them was only supposed to remove the shortcuts.

    Or perhaps more relevantly, that one Steam bash script that could delete things it shouldn’t under some very rare circumstances.

  • There are probably pre-written awk scripts out there that already do what you want, not that I know where they’d be.

    That said, you might be better off using one of the bigger but still fairly commonly installed languages. There’s bound to be things on PyPI (for Python) or CPAN (for Perl) that could be bolted together for example.

    If you’re really lucky there might even be something that covers your whole use-case, but I haven’t checked.

  • Duplication of resources mainly. Bloat upon bloat. Worse, a Flatpak can ignore things that it probably should use on the system, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

    Don’t get me wrong, there are supposed “bare metal” installs that duplicate all sorts of things too, and I don’t like it when that happens either. Steam, for example, keeps at least one extra copy of itself as well as a bunch of other things.

    And there’s that Flatpaks an entirely different ecosystem that require their own set of updates.

    I get it. I understand there are benefits. Doesn’t mean I like it.

  • Listen, I don’t even like Flatpaks, but at least they’re multi-platform and non-proprietary.

    But the original poster is probably of the opinion that “pro-consumer” means something that “just works”, and if it’s a walled garden, so what?

    “Why is there barbed wire at the top of that wall?” “Don’t worry about it.”

  • ^S for unprompted save is in the default keybinds, not that I could say when it was added. (Pretty sure it wasn’t a pico thing, but that leaves quite a bit of time unaccounted for.)

    Muscle memory for other editors kicked in when I was editing something and did a literal slow realisation and double-take when it worked.

    Now if only I could stop pressing ^W in Firefox to use nano’s “whereis” to find something that’d be great.

    For those unaware, it closes the current tab. Or the whole browser. Ugh.

  • [I have told this story elsewhere before]

    I thought I was so clever once. I taught a word filter about “th” thinking that would solve the problem, but it still got stuck on Scunthorpe. mfw.

    Had to step through what it was doing. It had hit a rule that treated ‘oo’ the same as ‘u’ which, at least sound-wise, is valid for some words in some dialects. e.g. Consider “book”, which is identical to “buck” for many people. You can imagine why that might want to be caught.

    To save you the head scratching, it had spotted the ‘c’ then a double-‘o’ then the ‘n’ and threw it out as containing a known racial slur.

    The filter was for a random string generator so that it wouldn’t generate strings with bad words in them. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

    Since it was unlikely that it was going to generate “Scunthorpe” anyway, the problem remained unfixed.