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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Neutorypical here (possibly a touch of undiagnosed autism but not a lot)- I don’t get into them.

    My wife and I take a very proactive approach to communication. We talk through decisions before either of us gets emotionally attached to an answer. We trust each other to have good decision making processes when that isn’t an option. We have thoroughly established that both of us are putting the interests of the household first. We know both of us are acting in good faith, we both apologize, and we accept each other’s apologies.

    In previous, less healthy relationships, I realized what made a “fight” was that her or I wanted it to be. Maybe one of us wanted attention or affirmation or had some inner problems was taking out on the other. Perhaps we just didn’t feel like we were properly heard unless we were angry. Whatever the actual fight about was usually something that could’ve been resolved without emotional energy.

    As for how long to recover after… When it happened it always depends on the specific fight. Sometimes hours, sometimes days, eventually the big one was that we broke up permanently. If the issue has been resolved and someone is harboring resentment because the other party disagreed with them, there’s more underlying emotional issues that need to be resolved.

  • Just looking through my HLTB at things I’ve done recently:

    The Ace Attorney series Sucker for Love Coffee Talk Haven (good for co-op)

    If you want a bit more gameplay, but still chill:

    Paradise Killer Braid Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons

    More gameplay focused:

    Control Portal Wargroove Cat Quest Knack (I know it’s a meme, but the games are actually pretty fun)

  • Is that a sourced quote from Biden or the administration, or are you just making up a quote to get mad at?

    There’s plenty of room to criticize Biden for his actual actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict. No need to make shit up.

    In fact, the only reason I could think to do so would be if you were his political opponent. Like, hypothetically speaking, if I were a conservative on the Internet trying to undermine Biden’s support and also draw attention away from the fact that it’s Republicans in the House doing this, I might (hypothetically) post this article with a purposefully vague headline and a picture of Biden on the Internet. Seems doing something like that would serve GOP goals rather nicely, wouldn’t it?

  • “Abandon the two party systen” isn’t a solution.

    Supporting a 3rd party would be a solution. A terrible solution that has historically proven to only hurt the cause you are trying to support. But bad solutions are at least still solutions.

    Changing the election system is another solution. The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is one of the many issues I consider when weighing who I vote for. But the reality is that law has not passed and may never pass, so we are stuck with the electoral college and first-past-the-post voting system in the US for the 2024 election.

    Then there’s coups. If you’re advocating for political violence I suggest you visit a nation experiencing it. There’s a reason so much of the country was terrified watching the news on January 6th 2021.

    Then there’s leaving the country, which is basically just an option for the wealthy or otherwise lucky exceptions. Not really fixing the system as much as abandoning it.

  • One of the problems is survivorship bias.

    The CRT’s that survive today are mostly the cream of the crop. Professional monitors that were used for decades at local TV studios. HD CRT’s from the 2000’s that were some of the last ones made, were prohibitively expensive at the time, and have been lovingly cared for by enthusiasts.

    I think a lot of retro gaming enthusiasts who are in to CRT’s today are either too young to actually remember what the average CRT was like or are old enough that they were enthusiasts back even in the 90’s, only buying the absolute best of the best.

    I would literally take my phone over the console TV I grew up with in my parent’s living room. I remember setting stuff down on it (it was pretty much a table), like an empty can, and the picture would go crazy. I think part of why we got rid of it was because my mom got new, wireless handsets for the landline phone that caused interference (and it was also around the time new technologies we’re replacing CRT’s).

    At one point as a kid i got a 19" Zenith CRT in my bedroom. That thing was absolute garbage. Colors all over the place, the image noisy and warped. It was loud, deeper than it was wide or tall, and weighed probably 40lbs. The only two inputs were RF and RCA, but only mono because it only had one speaker.

    I think most of the retro gaming community has just forgotten how bad the average CRT was.

    However, I also wonder if this demand for CRT’s and that premium gaming experience is going to impact the market. Will there ever be enough demand for a Kickstarter to manufacture a few thousand high-end CRT’s? Probably not. Could there be new features or new technologies invented to try to sate this demand? Maybe. Projector glasses, retro gaming handhelds, TV’s and monitors with higher refresh rates, “gaming modes”. I wonder if some other new tech is going to come along to try to capture the benefits of good CRT’s in a modern package.

  • If you use DD/MM/YYYY, dumb sorting algorithms will put all of the 1sts of every month together, all of the 2nds of every month together, etc. That doesn’t seem very useful unless you’re trying to identify monthly trends, which is fundamentally flawed as things like the number of days in the month or which day of the week a date falls on can significantly disrupt those trends.

    With MM/DD/YY, the only issue is multiple years being grouped together. Which may be what you want, especially if the dates are indicating cumulative totals. Depending on the data structure, years are often sorted out separately anyways.

    YYYY/MM/DD is definitely the best for sorting. However, the year is often the least important piece in data analysis. Because often the dataset is looking at either “this year” or “the last 12 months”. So the user’s eyes need to just ignore the first 5 characters, which is not very efficient.

    If you’re using a tool that knows days vs months vs years that can help, but you can run into compatibility issues when trying to move things around.

    The ugly truth no one wants to admit on these conversations is that these formats are tools. Some are better suited to certain jobs than others.

  • Weird how these people care so much about women in porn being exploited but don’t seem to care about the ones just being trafficked for sex that isn’t filmed. Or child labor. Or the various migrants being trafficked and enslaved for non-secual labor around the world.

    It’s almost like they’re grasping for socially-acceptable justification for hating something they don’t like for non-socially-acceptable reasons…