• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Oh, I was only aware of credits where the lender sets the amount to be the total exactly spread over the period, those are the only ones I’ve seen and taken, so each month I get a charge for the amount needed to keep up with the credit.
    For the rest then it makes sense how they make money, since I’ve had credit cards which don’t show or at the very least hide the amount to not pay interest and only tell you the minimum payment.

  • My unpopular opinion is I like ads, some are well thought, funny, and memorable.
    Ads in videogames which allow you to have a small boost are also amazing, I don’t have to spend money, just leave my phone for 30~60 seconds and I get a bit of premium currency while supporting the devs.

    The annoying/worrisome part is all the tracking the ads have, and the ones which are very invasive which take half of the screen.
    If we could go back to TV ads where everyone watches the ads without individual targeting, and with current technology to protect against hacking, and getting them in sensible places to not hide the content I would place and exception in my ublock and pihole for them.

  • In that case I’d recommen you use immich-go to upload them and still backup only immich instead of your original folder, since if something happens to your immich library you’d have to manually recreate it because immich doesn’t update its db from the file system.
    There was a discussion in github about worries of data being compressed in immich, but it was clarified the uploaded files are saved as they are and only copies are modified, so you can safely backup its library.

    I’m not familiar with RAID, but yeah, I’ve also read its mostly about up time.

    I’d also recommend you look at restic and duplocati.
    Both are backup tools, restic is a CLI and duplocati is a service with an ui.
    So if you want to create the crons go for restic.
    Tho if you want to be able to read your backups manually maybe check how the data is stored, because I’m using duplicati and it saves it in files that need to be read by duplicati, I’m not sure if I could go and easily open them unlike the data copied with rsync.

  • For local backups I use this command

    $ rsync --update -ahr --no-i-r --info=progress2 /source /dest

    You could first compress them, but since I have the space for the important stuff, this is the only command I need.

    Recently I also made a migration similar to yours.

    I’ve read jellyfin is hard to migrate, so I just reinstalled it and manually recreated the libraries, I didn’t mind about the watch history and other stuff.
    IIRC there’s a post or github repo with a script to try to migrate jellyfin.

    For immich you just have to copy this database files with the same command above and that’s it (of course with the stack down, you don’t want to copy db files while the database is running).
    For the library I already had it in an external drive with a symlink, so I just had to mount it in the new machine and create a simlar symlink.

    I don’t run any *arr so I don’t know how they’d be handled.
    But I did do the migrarion of syncthing and duplicati.
    For syncthing I just had to find the config path and I copied it with the same command above.
    (You might need to run chown in the new machine).

    For duplicati it was easier since it provides a way to export and import the configurations.

    So depending on how the *arr programs handle their files it can be as easy as find their root directory and rsync it.
    Maybe this could also be done for jellyfin.
    Of course be sure to look for all config folders they need, some programs might split them into their working directory, into ~/.config, or ./.local, or /etc, or any other custom path.

    EDIT: for jellyfin data, evaluate how hard to find is, it might be difficult, but if it’s possible it doesn’t require the same level of backups as your immich data, because immich normally holds data you created and can’t be found anywhere else.

    Most series I have them in just the main jellyfin drive.
    But immich is backedup with 3-2-1, 3 copies of the data (I actually have 4), in at least 2 types of media (HDD and SSD), with 1 being offsite (rclone encrypted into e2 drive)

  • Just tried it and seems too complicated haha. With traccar I just had to deploy a single service and use either the official app or previously gpslogger sending the data to an endpoint.

    With owntracks the main documentation seems to be deploy it into the base system, docker is kind of hidden.
    And with docker you need to deploy at least 3 services: recorder, Mosquitto, and the front end.
    The app doesn’t tell you what’s expected to be filled into the fields to connect to the backend. I tried with https but haven’t been able to make it work.

    To be fair, this has been just today. But as long as a service has a docker compose I’ve always been able to deploy it in less than 10 minutes, and the rest of the day is just customizing the service.

  • I can share you a bit my journey and setups so maybe you can take a better decision.

    About point 1:

    In vultr with the second smallest shared CPU (1vCPU, 2GB RAM) several of my services have been running fine for years now:
    invidious, squid proxy, TODO app (vikunja), bookmarks (grimoire), key-value storage (kinto), git forge (forgejo) with CI/CD (forgejo actions), freshrss, archival (archive-box), GPS tracker (traccar), notes (trilium), authentication (authelia), monitoring (munin).
    The thing is since I’m the only one using them usually only one or two services receive considerable usage, and I’m kind of patient so if something takes 1 minute instead of 10 seconds I’m fine with it. This is rare to happen, maybe only forgejo actions or the archival.

    In my main pc I was hosting some stuff too: immich, jellyfin, syncthing, and duplicati.

    Just recently bought this minipc https://aoostar.com/products/aoostar-r7-2-bay-nas-amd-ryzen-7-5700u-mini-pc8c-16t-up-to-4-3ghz-with-w11-pro-ddr4-16gb-ram-512gb-nvme-ssd
    (Although I bought it from amazon so I didn’t had to handle the import.)

    Haven’t moved anything off of the VPS, but I think this will be enough for a lot of stuff I have because of the specs of the VPS.
    The ones I’ve moved are the ones from my main PC.
    Transcoding for jellyfin is not an issue since I already preprocessed my library to the formats my devices accept, so only immich could cause issues when uploading my photos.

    Right now the VPS is around 0.3 CPU, 1.1/1.92GB RAM, 2.26/4.8GB swap.
    The minipc is around 2.0CPU (most likely because duplicati is running right now), 3/16GB RAM, no swap.

    There are several options for minipc even with potential to upgrade ram and storage like the one I bought.
    Here’s a spreadsheet I found with very good data on different options so you can easily compare them and find something that matches your needs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SWqLJ6tGmYHzqGaa4RZs54iw7C1uLcTU_rLTRHTOzaA/edit
    (Here’s the original post where I found it https://www.reddit.com/r/MiniPCs/comments/1afzkt5/2024_general_mini_pc_guide_usa/ )

    For storage I don’t have any comments since I’m still using a 512GB nvme and a 1TB external HDD, the minipc is basically my start setup for having a NAS which I plan to fill with drives when I find any in sale (I even bought it without ram and storage since I had spare ones).

    But I do have some huge files around, they are in https://www.idrive.com/s3-storage-e2/
    Using rclone I can easily have it mounted like any other drive and there’s no need to worry of being on the cloud since rclone has an encrypt option.
    Of course this is a temporary solution since it’s cheaper to buy a drive for the long term (I also use it for my backups tho)

    About point 2:

    If you go the route of using only linux sshfs is very easy to use, I can easily connect from the files app or mount it via fstab. And for permissions you can easily manage everything with a new user and ACLs.

    If you need to access it from windows I think your best bet will be to use samba, I think there are several services for this, I was using OpenMediaVault since it was the only one compatible with ARM when I was using a raspberry pi, but when you install it it takes over all your net interfaces and disables wifi, so you have to connect via ethernet to re-enable it.

    About point 3:

    In the VPS I also had pihole and searxng, but I had to move those to a separate instance since if I had something eating up the resources browsing internet was a pain hehe.

    Probably my most critical services will remain in the VPS (like pihole, searxng, authelia, squid proxy, GPS tracker) since I don’t have to worry about my power or internet going down or something that might prevent me from fixing stuff or from my minipc being overloaded with tasks that browsing the internet comes to a crawl (specially since I also ran stuff like whispercpp and llamacpp which basically makes the CPU unusable for a bit :P ).

    About point 4:

    To access everything I use tailscale and I was able to close all my ports while still being able to easily access everything in my main or mini pc without changing anything in my router.

    If you need to give access to someone I’d advice for you to share your pihole node and the machine running the service.
    And in their account a split DNS can be setup to only let them handle your domains by your pihole, everything else can still be with their own DNS.

    If this is not possible and you need your service open on the internet I’d suggest having a VPS with a reverse proxy running tailscale so it can communicate with your service when it receive the requests while still not opening your lan to the internet.
    Another option is tailscale funnel, but I think you’re bound to the domain they give you. I haven’t tried it so you’d need to confirm.

  • I resorted to buy a new one with android tv, so now I just have tailscale installed in it and can directly play jellyfin.

    The issue is the chromecast can’t resolve back to the tailnet with subrouting. Probably connecting the chromecast to a network which resolves the connections for it could work, but I don’t know how to do that or if it’s actually possible.

  • there’s also Aegis and 2FAS, but I have no idea about WebDAV servers and also don’t want to rely on Google Drive for backup, also because I’m moving away from Google services.

    If your only issue are the backups, then you can still use aegis with automatic encrypted backup to a folder in your device and then use syncthing to automatically send it to your machine. From there use any other backup solution like duplicati or restic.
    (Remember that syncthing is not a backup solution, it should only be used as a way to automatically sync files between devices) (People have had many issues with duplicate, but I’ve only seen posts about huge amounts of data, for something like aegis backups has been working fine for me)

    I’d also recommend you asking in [email protected]

  • pe1uca@lemmy.pe1uca.devtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlgraphenos
    9 months ago

    The only issue I’ve had is with games from kakao, they crash after a few minutes of starting. I think the last time I tried it said something abiut modification to the OS. But that’s the only developer I’ve had problems with, the rest of the games I have play without issue.

    Also the only downside I see is the tap to pay not working at all, but that’s not graphenOS’ problem, google won’t certificate them.