Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 9

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • CEOs of companies existed in 1939, and did before. 1939 would have been the time of the great depression, World War 2, fascism, and Batman didn’t go after them, he went after the people who needed work and took the last chance they had.

    Bruce Wayne is just a form of Bill Gates. Donates millions to charity, good causes, hospitals, fighting diseases, but he still has lots of more money than when he did before all this “charity”. The difference is that Gates doesn’t put on a mask and go punch the poor of Seattle.

    If Batman was real, he’d be a dickhead, worse than Musk or Bezos.

    EDIT: Why mine and no one elses? This dude is annoying.

  • “Hey as I’m being hired here, I want everyone to know that I have general anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder. I’m disclosing this to have proper accommodation, per state and federal law.”


    “Hey my depression and anxiety is really high today, I can’t get out of bed and I fear everyone around me wants to attack me. Sorry for calling in 5 hours before my shift, but I can’t.”

    “Well you’re supposed to come in today, no one else can. Take your meds.”

    If you ever consider walking onto the highway next to your job to not be at work, leave the job. Fuck that company.

  • So funny enough, I was the person who banned them like a week before, and it was due to me not following the chain of comments. If you want, I will share the discord mod log where I found out who and any, and double-checked the reality of the situation.

    Believe me I don’t want transphobes running the biggest community on a trans server. But if every mod saw no issues, and I did, I assumed I was weird. And I was.

    shield[meta] "." is not a rule
    1 month ago

    Alright, I’ll try to do better. I will say that while this doesn’t defend my actions, I’ve been under a high amount of stress in the last 2 weeks. If people want, I will resign as mod without question.

    EDIT: Restored the posts with “Restored due to community feedback/me being a dick.”

    EDIT 2: I am going to do some shopping and chores, if the community wants me gone, I will remove myself when I am back, or have the mod team boot me.

  • I’m sorry to hear about this, do you have some links to your GitHub and the interactions?

    EDIT: I checked Leah’s Mastodon, found this interaction: And here’s the IRC interaction:

    I haven’t taken the time to read all of this fully, simply trying to share info that is not supplied by either parties.

    EDIT: Taking more time to read it, it seems so far:

    OP’s code was buggy and bricking boards. Leah requested a patch to solve the known problems. OP took too long, and when Leah got a personal copy of the same computer/board, she worked on her patch and implemented it. OP is still listed on the site.

    Provided hardware testing for the Dell OptiPlex 9020, also provided testing for proxmox with GPU passthrough on Dell Precision T1650, confirming near-native performance; with this, you can boot operating systems virtually natively, performance-wise, on a Libreboot system in cases where that OS is not natively supported.

    All round good guy, an honest and loyal fan.

    I personally have not written any code nor submitted anything to Libreboot, but it seems OP is still credited despite the claims of being stolen. I can’t confirm if any code was used by OP or if Leah used 100% original code, as that’s not my expertise. And even then, I’m not sure if the GPL/whatever license Libreboot uses is cool or uncool on that.

  • I can count on one hand how many times someone’s creative endeavors that when aired/sold to a network went back to them. I can’t begin to tell you how many times someone has a 100% original idea, a network funded it, aired it at such a bad time or had such bad ad campaign for it, it failed.

    Then the network claims it as a tax write off so it never gets aired again, and no DVD/Blu-Ray sales are allowed. And the artists who worked on it can’t get any rights to what they made. Because a company somewhere couldn’t make money with the idea, now no one can. Even the inventor.

    Animation is among the more common ones to have this happen to.

  • Free software != free of charge.

    Nothing about free software says you need to give it away for no cost, nor that anyone can’t do it. You can charge $100 for a simple calculator program that is under the GPL for its code. Nothing is there to prevent you from assembling the code and making it yourself, or from the buyer from copying and sharing the program. It’s just way way easier to show off the program for free as in price and freedom for most programmers.

    It’s why the people who made Debian/Slackware/Ubuntu discs could charge money for an otherwise free product. Because the programmers openly allow this.

    And programming is itself labor, just a lot of free software devs don’t worry too much about getting paid for it.

    Except for one special situation, the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) has no requirements about how much you can charge for distributing a copy of free software. You can charge nothing, a penny, a dollar, or a billion dollars. It’s up to you, and the marketplace, so don’t complain to us if nobody wants to pay a billion dollars for a copy.

    The one exception is in the case where binaries are distributed without the corresponding complete source code. Those who do this are required by the GNU GPL to provide source code on subsequent request. Without a limit on the fee for the source code, they would be able set a fee too large for anyone to pay—such as a billion dollars—and thus pretend to release source code while in truth concealing it. So in this case we have to limit the fee for source in order to ensure the user’s freedom. In ordinary situations, however, there is no such justification for limiting distribution fees, so we do not limit them.

    Sometimes companies whose activities cross the line stated in the GNU GPL plead for permission, saying that they “won’t charge money for the GNU software” or such like. That won’t get them anywhere with us. Free software is about freedom, and enforcing the GPL is defending freedom. When we defend users’ freedom, we are not distracted by side issues such as how much of a distribution fee is charged. Freedom is the issue, the whole issue, and the only issue.