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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • The way I see it, Musk is only going to provide the investment if it fits into his investment portfolio strategy. With $2 billion, I would give $1 billion to charities, and the other $1 billion I would use to purchase as many American Southeastern coast beach houses as possible. I would sell the beach houses to climate denialists at half-off, instantly losing $500 million in the process. I’d keep the $500 million from the house sales to myself, because Musk knows that some money has to be kept to keep the lights on. The purchasers of the houses would slowly watch as their new investments into their houses literally goes into the ground (er, or oceans, as it is in this case).

    I figure Musk can’t resist an offer this good. My genius then continues to go unchallenged, except for Musk, who can somehow tank investments faster than this.

  • I’m both a controller and mouse and keyboard user but I find it easier to aim with a controller. It feels natural.

    This is fine. You can have a preference. The rest of your post, however, is objectively incorrect, or at best misleading.

    For example, in order for me, a keyboard and mouse user, to get used to a controller, I would need to:

    • Find a reasonable controller
    • Find out how I can best grip the controller for my use case
    • Make sure the game’s controller sensitivity is set correctly for my use case

    See how that’s basically the same arguments you are making against using a K&M?

    Also, there have been FPS competitions where people with controllers go absolutely demolished by K&M players. When it comes to competitive FPS gaming, K&M has large advantages over controllers. Even some single-player console FPS games have enabled auto-aim by default, and left the setting disabled by default on PC for K&M players, because using a controller is more difficult than a K&M for FPS.

  • I know you can’t put a true price on privacy, but I can clearly state that this goes beyond reasonable pricing for me. $1800, plus $180/year in fees for bags/membership subscription. That’s a $3600 + battery and parts replacement investment over 10 years, and who’s to say the app/device firmware will be supported that whole time? The extended warranty is for two years. There doesn’t appear to be information on repairs outside of the warranty, which requires the subscription for 2 years for the extended warranty. This sounds like a disaster of a product from an ecological standpoint.