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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m on the extreme end. Any kind of “recommendations” are an immediate and complete turn off for me. Not just the obvious stuff like “sponsored” posts or “algorithmic social media” feeds. I abhor and avoid even things like Spotify recommendations, which most people consider useful.

    Whether they intend it or not, these engines are built to funnel you back into the lowest common denominator, most broadly appealing stuff, because that’s what the algorithm sees gets the most clicks from the average person. Sure, everyone likes oatmeal, but that’s because its bland and inoffensive.

    I want to find my own shit through my own idiosyncratic process.

  • This is because most East Asian languages actually don’t conjugate their verbs at all!

    In Chinese, for example, you always use the same exact verb, you just add extra sounds called “particles” to the sentence to contextualize what you’re saying.

    e.g. “I’m going to the store” in Chinese is 我(wǒ - ‘I’)去(qù - ‘go’)商店(shāng diàn - ‘store’). I go store.

    To say “I went to the store”, you don’t change “去/qù”. Instead you still just say “I go store”, but you add “了/le” to the end of the sentence. “Le” is a particle that means “to finish; to be completed”.

    So to say “I went to the store”, you literally say “I go store (past particle)”, and the listener knows that the statment “I go store” already happened and ended - past tense.

    This is why native English speakers often think of this type of grammatical mistake when they think of common English mistakes that East Asian language native speakers make.

  • I definitely think there are things you can do to lessen the effect of ads on your decision making.

    The best way is to try not to see ads at all. Use Ad Blockers on all digital devices. Wear headphones in public places. Train yourself to look away from billboards, elevator televisions and all other kinds of physical environment advertising. Don’t shop at stores run by the products’ brand. Every time you see a product recommendation, ask yourself if its possible the writer got paid for making that recommendation.

    There are also lots of behavioral approaches you can take to un-do the effect of marketing and advertising when purchasing things. Define what you need before you start looking at products. Use the price per oz instead of packaging shape to make decisions at the grocery store. Only buy store brand.

    That’s all my helpful advice, but I’m also guilty of taking this stuff too far. There are absolutely products that I would like, but refuse to buy because I hate them for advertising to me. I’ve stopped consuming lots of media because I thought their advertising revenue approach was gross. I have a bunch of generic containers & big bottle of GooGone in my house and remove all the labels from everything I buy as soon as I bring them home. These things don’t actually help… its just spiteful behavior I haven’t been able to bring myself to move past unfortunately.