A loom that learned to weave itself.


  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I was sitting in my car in the parking lot of the beer store, playing a game on my phone, procrastinating on my mission to buy beer.

    I had locked the door from pure paranoia (I’m just a paranoid guy).

    A guy on the sidewalk stepped onto the parking lot and walked toward my car. I thought little of it, but I noticed. He got closer and closer, and then he grabbed the handle and tried to open the driver-side door.

    It was locked so he casually kept walking like everything was normal.

    It was broad daylight. I still have no idea what he would have done if the door had been unlocked. But I was sitting and in the more vulnerable position.

  • Some forms of Gnosticism assert this.

    Gnosticism is a broad group of early Christian cults that are influenced by earlier religions, so it’s not a monolith and I don’t want to paint them with the same brush, but:

    Some of them include the idea that our souls (our consciousness) are from a realm or being of light, but the material/physical world was constructed by the demiurge (yahweh of the old testament) and has trapped us here.

    According to this idea, Jesus is actually from that divinity beyond Yahweh, and is not the son of God. So Jesus’ sacrifice was not just the crucifixion, but embodiment itself. He brings us knowledge (gnosis, thus gnosticism) of our true divinity and through that knowledge, salvation from this material prison.

    There’s an amazing book about all this, called, The Gnostic Religion, by the philosopher Hans Jonas.