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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • If we’re talking adaptation, then ‘centuries’ is fairly irrelevant given how long our generations are…

    Also, hasn’t it really only been a small number of centuries where reading has become a regular and critical function for the majority of the population?

    Combine that with the fact that it’s long been easier/cheaper to make a uniformly light-coloured ‘paper’ and dark ink, than the reverse.

    Using our history of dark-text might just be allowing the technology of the times to drive the future.


    A more interesting comparison might be that we started with dark displays and light text (amber and green-screens) and moved to white displays with dark text later on.

    Was that change due to a desire to mimic the paper medium?

    Was it down to the quality of displays at the time (light bleed on CRTs might have driven this flip from dark to light once uniformity and brightness reached useful levels)?

    Or was it because more people prefer dark text over light?


    Regardless I’d like to finish by virtually girding my loins, brandishing my digital spear, and warning everyone that they’ll have to pry dark-mode from my cold-dead hands.

  • I have a Note 10+

    With the way it’s measuring up today for performance and battery life, if it were going to keep getting OS updates and security updates it’d keep being a great phone for another couple of years yet.

    …And compared to some I know, I’m updating frequently.

    I really do wish they’d squeeze another 1-2 OS updates into it’s life-span. But at this rate I’ll still be replacing it with whatever its up-to-date peer is in another year or so…

    …and re-purposing this one - it’s still awesome (awesomer if it allowed root without losing updates and pay-services)

  • All large shops in England have been legally required to charge for single-use plastic shopping bags since 2015 - a move that has seen bags drop by mor then 95 per cent, according to the government. The legal charge was initially a minimum of 5p, but this was raised to 10p in May 2021 in a bid to further reduce usage.

    Doesn’t this approach risk promoting elitism by wealth? Past a given income level that fixed overhead becomes irrelevant.

    So those on a lower income, who are more cost-sensitive, are made to be more responsible for reaching pollution-limiting targets than the wealthy.


    I prefer the level-playing field better I think (if only we were applying that to more things here).

  • I poured way too much time into Rogue, Moria, Angband and Zangband back in the day… Sad to see Zangband completely disappeared - no idea if there’s a similar flavour floating around.

    Played a couple of newer more graphical (and probably better balanced games) but I actually found them less engaging.

    My son was madly into Shattered Pixel Dungeon for a while.