This is FIRE
This is FIRE
You have to play with the settings on each picture or you can do a blanket edit, but I personally do everything one by one
Color saturation
When I first started with Photography, I was clueless about how technical it is, and was just the gear itself, and then flash photography adds to it, and once you figure that out, then there was the editing and how to make colors pop. I’m 5 years into it and I am still learning. But colors have to pop to me, or else it’s dull, but its also a balance of not blowing out skintones.
It’s funny because most people think the image automatically comes out like this, and they don’t know about editing the pics to make them pop and sizzle
This is definitely a bad omen. AI cannot replace the human eye and what they see, but in the name of saving money, they will AI it. Shucks how many graphics guys do this?
I feel that nobody can teach you angles, it’s what you see and you perceive through the lens. You make the shots, and then edit them to make them better. I personally like to keep the f to 2.8 to blur the background, but it all depends on what you are shooting.
But books to read - Photography for Dummies - that’s the one I went with. Lol