• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You can do reverse proxy on the VPS and use SNI routing (because the requested domain is in clear text over HTTPS), then use Proxy Protocol to attach the real source IP to the TCP packets.
    This way, you don’t have to terminate HTTPS on the VPS, and you can load balance between a couple wireguard peers so you have redundancy (or direct them to different reverse proxies or whatever).
    On your home servers, you will need an additional frontend(s) that accepts Proxy Protocol from the VPS (as Proxy Protocol packets aren’t standard HTTP/S packets, so standard HTTPS reverse proxies will drop them as unknown/broken/etc).
    This way, your home reverse proxy knows the original IP and can attach it to the decrypted http requests as x-forward-for. Or you can do ACLs based on original client IP. Or whatever.

    I haven’t found a way to get a firewall that pays attention to Proxy Protocol TCP headers, but I haven’t found that to really be an issue. I don’t really have a use case

  • But it is a fixed ratio.
    If it was in pounds, metric tons, moles or atomic mass units… It doesn’t change the ratio, the actual number.

    Would it be acceptable to drop the unit all together?
    “Lethal dose is 0.000000012 : 1 (substance : bodyweight)” (I made up the number).
    I’m not sure if there is a better way of writing the ratio.

    Could a fraction be more applicable?
    “lethal dose is 1/600000 of bodyweight”

    I’m sure it’s written as ng/kg to show the base units are the same, and the rest is just “fiddling” scientific notation

  • Yeh, absolutely.
    But it isnt fair to say they are worse than nazis.
    Modern nazis? Maybe.

    Id also say that the optics are that they arent attacking because of things people cant change.
    They specifically targetting hamas’s members children, they arent specifically targetting people that used to be hamas. Theoretically if hamas disbanded, the war would stop.

    At least, thats the way the optics seem.
    Whether that is what is actually happening (or would happen) is a different matter.
    Are they going about it the correct way? Doesnt seem like it.

    The nazis persecuted jewish people, their children, anybody associating with them and so on.
    There were nazi supporters in many countries before WW2, who also blamed the jewish for many issues.

  • Im not going to defend the british empire. But these atrocities are off by a significant factor compared to the holocaust.
    There were over 40,000 jewish ghettos and concentration camps.
    In the ghettos, jews (and romani, and others) were rationed on 250cal per day, lived 7 to a room. Warsaw ghetto had a peek population of 460,000. At least 300,000 were shot, and a further 92,000 died of starvation and disease. Despite thousands (if not 10s of thousands) of people being forced into the ghetto, the population never increased.
    Auschwitz had the highest survival rate of the concentration camps, where 1.1 million died of the 1.3 million that went “through” that camp.

    Yes, the british empire has done horrendous things. But nowhere on the scale and ferocity of the holocaust.

    I think the early 1900s were very dark, and a lot of people did horrendous things. Actually, probably doing a lot of horrendous things in the 1800s as well.
    Id like to think humanity has learned since then