tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You have a host that people grew accustomed to. Over 16 years. So many people who started watching the show in their teens spent half their lifes with Stewart. And you have a new host who yet has to find his groove. Of course viewership goes down for a while. But that is not an adequate reflection of the overall quality of that host.

    Imagine you start a new work and even after 5 years and a promotion to senior, people say "well in his first months he wasn’t like the old colleague we had for 15 years before that. That is not a probable metric.

    Regarding the international experiences i am referring to his stand up programs. Of course something like “son of Particia” where he talks about his South African mom doesn’t resonate as much with John Miller from Nebraska, like it does with people who lived across continents.

  • If Trevor Noah was so terrible and the ratings were so bad like you claim, why did CC prolong his contract by 5 years in 2017?

    Mr. Noah’s incarnation of “The Daily Show” drew an average nightly audience of just over 1 million viewers for the week ending Sept. 1, according to Nielsen, well short of the 2 million or more who tuned in for Mr. Stewart’s program by the end of his 16-year tenure.

    But Comedy Central cited other positive trends in its decision to extend Mr. Noah’s contract, including growth among overall viewers, and viewers aged 18 to 49, over the program’s 2016-17 season. The network said that “The Daily Show” was on pace this quarter to become the most-watched daily late-night talk program among millennial viewers (aged 18 to 34).

    Kent Alterman, the president of Comedy Central, said in a phone interview, “We have never had any lack of confidence in Trevor. Quite the opposite, we’ve never wavered in our belief in him, and now what we’re seeing is that the rest of the world has taken notice and expressed the same confidence.”

    Also could it be, that you are a white middle class North American? Because Trevors stand up programs are hilarious. But he is talking about his international experiences, what it means to move abroad and deal with a complex family situation. I understand if that isn’t relateable for many people.

  • Maybe include the second part of that paragraph i wrote:

    That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.

    But given the example of Hitler. Why is it important to consider the person in his entirety as evil? Aren’t the intention and act of genocide by themselves an evil that needs to be condemmend and prevented?

    I find Hitler and Fascism are great examples, because the story of the fascists being evil people is a form of “othering”. They are the evil people, but we are not the evil people. This can all to easily lead to ignorance to how easily Fascism can spread and infect any people. And we see it in the way Germans wiggled themselves out of responsibility for their crimes after WW2.

    To quote the Ausschwitz survivor Karl Stojka:

    „Und das haben Menschen gemacht, so wie du, du und ich. Diese Leute kamen nicht von einem anderen Planeten. […] Es waren Menschen, so wie wir. Und nicht Hitler hat mich verhaftet, nicht Göring, nicht Goebbels. Der Greißler, der Hausmeister, der Schneider, der Schuster, der Bäckermeister, die haben auf einmal eine Uniform gekriegt, eine Hakenkreuzbinde, und da waren sie die Herrenrasse…“

    And this was done by people like you and me. These people were not froma different planet. it was people like us. Not Hitler inprisoned me, not Goering, not Goebbels. [It was] the storekeeper, the house caretaker, the tailor, the cobbler, the baker. They suddenly received an uniform, a swastika armband and there they were the master race…

    Or to say it with a caricature In Nuremberg and other places - “but he had ordered me to it”:

  • The argument is that you cannot really know. You don’t know everything a person did. You don’t know the motivations with which they act. You cannot look into their heart.
    That is why you should refrain from judgement over a human in his entirety. You can and sometimes should judge individual acts that you have witnessed or are proven.

    This is explicit the Bible i.e. Matthew 7:1 and the Qur’an i.e. 1:4. I don’t know how it is written in the Torah, but generally in the abrahamic religions the final judgement is reserved to Allah, as He is the only one to truly know a human.

    But also outside religion, why is it that anyone should rise to judgement of whether someone is “good” or “bad” in face of serious illness or injury? Saying someone is good so he doesn’t deserve cancer implies that there is people who deserve cancer.
    I know the statement is usally meant to signal compassion. The compassion should be unconditional though, as it is a fellow human that is suffering.

  • The first point doesn’t hold though. it is always better to have a ship run with cargo than without, in terms of efficiency. Afterall the point of the ship moving is to transport cargo.

    For the cooling i am also sceptical. It was common all over Europe to trade with ice cut out of glaciers and frozen lakes until the invention of the cooling pump made electrical fridges a thing. If you store the ice in somewhat well insulated containers, it will cool itself quite decently for long travels. Icecellars were common to hold Ice that was collected in winter and lasted for cooling all throughout the year even in the mediteranian areas.

    I also find this business obscene, but i do not see, that it would be more harmful, than sending empty ships around the world.

  • So which is then? You want a one off script to just quickly crunch some numbers on a problem you still need to understand? Because that is where it is perfectly normal to get some errors and doodle around. That is the entire point of it.

    Or you have a concise concept of what you are going to do, and how and why? Because that is what you do, when you program more than a “one off”.

    Either you go to the store with a shopping list and you work through that list or you go browsing and see what comes up. But don’t expect to be as fast and have everything you needed, when you dont write your shopping list at home.