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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I appreciate that you’re trying to inform me but if you make such a claim, you should be able to prove it.

    A friend was able to provide some context, regardless:

    • The one binary I’m aware of microG downloading (assuming it still does) is the SafetyNet “DroidGuard” thing, which it only does if you explicitly enable SafetyNet, which is not on by default. There is no other way to provide it.

    • microG only has privileged access if you install it as a privileged app, which is up to you / your distribution, as microG works fine as a user app (provided signature spoofing is available to it). Also, being privileged itself really doesn’t mean giving privileges to “Google”.

    • Apps needing Google services may indeed contain all sorts of binaries, generally including Google ones, which doesn’t mean they contain Google services themselves. Anyway, they are proprietary apps and as such will certainly contain proprietary things, and it’s all to you to install them or not. It’s not like microG includes them.

    • Its also just a reimplementation of a small handful of useful Google services, such as push notifications, or the maps (not the spyware stuff like advertising) and each can be toggled on/off.

    • Also all apps on android are sandboxed

  • I appreciate the info. For my own learning, could you provide a link to some context around the types of official binaries leveraged by microG? The only firm info I have of its behaviour is that it will pseudonomise as much user information as possible.

    I’m familiar with sandboxed google play on grapheneOS and have used it in the past.

  • Speaking from my experience with fedora and windows 10 and 11 within the same system.

    1. As others have stated here, If you can, please keep each operating system on it’s own physical disk. Disconnect others if you perform a new Windows install on any, as it’ll attempt to store its bootloader on disk 0 regardless of the OS destination drive.

    2. LUKS2 is part of the fedora workstation setup, I imagine it will be presented to you upon install with Mint. If you’re on separate physical disks, you shouldn’t have much to worry about, but as far as I’m aware, you’re okay to use disk encryption on drives partitioned with two systems.

    3. There’s a Dropbox .deb and .rpm for linux as far as I can tell, but I cannot attest to its quality or how well it integrates with a given file manager. Cloud accounts are generally well supported amongst the key desktop environments, for which I’d consider Cinnamon to be a part of.

    4. Modern, mainstream distributions are pretty GUI friendly. I fully expect you to be able to get by on Mint without needing to touch the command line much if at all. That said, I grab CLI oriented tools from the terminal and graphical apps from the app store. Enabling flathub will give you access to a broad selection of graphical software so by all means, go for it.

    5. I’m not wise so I’ll hold back here. I will say that Fedora has allowed me to approach linux as an absolute casual for nearly 6 years now.