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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Depends on environment.

    Real hardware separate for a server partitions for: /home, /var, swap, sometimes /usr, sometimes /var/log/audit Depends on deployment requirements, and if a system is expected to run after filling up audit.

    Real hardware for a at home desktop: /var, swap, maybe /home, or just one partition for / and one for swap.

    Cloud: all one partition, put swap in a file if it is needed. Cloud images are easy to grow if it is just one partition. Cloud-init will handle that automatically with the right packages installed, no configuration needed. Swap partitions are unlikely to be the right size as they vary according to memory and memory varies according to instance/guest sizes. Swap makes auto growing root partition harder (cloud-init custom config injection required). Best practice is to size workload and instances to not need swap whenever possible.

  • There have been ways to recycle organic waste into oil for decades. They even built a full sized plant to use turkey offal from a nearby turkey processor (initially could get it for free). Even ran demos on tire rubber or plastics. Initially cost effective when oil prices were high as they could sell the oil.

    Few of problems. Up front cost is high. Oil price volotility and the drop in oil prices made it uneconomic. Coupled with needing to pay for the turkey offal (someone else started paying the processor for it), killed the plant being fully self funded.

    Since then refinements in the process, or closely related ones, keep being developed without being able to overcome the economics. These processes can recycle from just about anything organic, including plastics, to whatever oil feedstock you want. Plastic as good as virgin plastics, pharmaceuticals, or whatever oil you want. Still the economics don’t work when oil is cheap and new oils societal costs are externalized.

  • I have not listened to the podcast unfortunately.

    Rebuilders are fine, and RedHat is fine to not spend the effort to debrand their source rpms. The problem is one of value. The value RedHat provides for some people is probably worth more than RedHat charges. The value RedHat provides to others is less than the effort it takes to renew a developer license once a year for 16 installs. The problem is that there are several who are ending support for RHEL because they fall into the latter group (notably Jeff Geerling for ansible roles). RHEL losing out on that support might be huge, might not, only time will tell.

  • They weren’t dying before, but they be might now.

    The problem is that the value RHEL provides. For my PERSONAL projects the value is less than the cost of renewing my free license every year from them. For a company shipping a system that will in the field for a decade with minimal updates is completely that must work with minimal downtime the value they are providing is higher than what they charge.

    That difference in value by users requires RedHat to balance costs the they can charge against maximizing numbers of users versus income. The catch they are running into is some people they provide little value to will just leave, but those people were providing a lot of value for customers. 100 or so ansible roles that your customers were using is suddenly no longer going to be supported, and eventually likely not to work. That is likely a net negative for value provided to customers and goes against the spirit of open source.

    The people using Rocky or Alma are unlikely to see cost of RHEL being worth it. So they will go elsewhere. But having a bigger number of users running on those systems provided value and network effect for RedHat even though they are not paying. That indirect benefit is now lost.

    RedHat obviously feels all of that does not provide enough value to justify the cost of possible lost sales. I think they are wrong, but maybe they are right.

    Maybe they are violating the GPL which explicitly says you cannot add limitations for users sharing code. From here it sure looks questionable at best, intentionally breaking the license at worst. That will have to be left for someone else to decide.