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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Did the voice on the payphone say: You must please deposit 25 cents to place your call LOL I think that’s engrained in my memory

    Fun fact:
    Once touch tone phones became the norm there were actually games you could play by just calling a number. There was also a number you could call and get the local time and temperature. Oh, and lets not forget Mr. MoviePhone!

  • Rotary phones weren’t even that long ago?!??! I still remember the swooop, click-click-click-click sound, oh, and the ear shattering ringing bells. I am happy that in our lifetime we’ve come so far that kids don’t understand tools from just a couple decades ago. I remember my father showing me a stack of punch cards he used at work and warning me not to touch them - but what I also know is, that those kids better get the hell off my damn lawn!

  • Mid 40s, and I too feel old now - at first I thought OP was setting us up for a joke. The local phone company still delivered phone books to everyone in my city until a few years ago.

    I think it was an old legal requirement for any phone company providing landline services to also provide phonebooks. Unfortunately most weren’t even recycled, they were either burned in backyard firepits, or just thrown out

  • I’m also on Gnome, but I use Konsole for the ‘Copy Input to Tab’ or ‘Copy Input to All Tabs in window.’ In my use case scenario, it’s super helpful to be able to type or paste a cmd once, and have it populate multiple tabs, or specific tabs in multiple windows. It does take a little tweaking to get it to obey the dark theme settings, but once upon a time I actually created a custom dark theme, just so I could use Konsole on Gnome. Things are much easier these days 😁 I’ll have to check out Tilix, I haven’t heard of it before, but that may be b/c I literally work by myself in the dank dark basement of the building…I don’t think the cleaning crew even knows that I’m down here

  • Do you remember if you could get to a rommon prompt? As long as console access is available you should’ve been able to upload replacement FW. I once had to use kermit or xmodem (I don’t recall) @2400 bps to recover an AP by transferring new FW over the console cable (I’m not sure new APs even have a console port), but switches should be recoverable…the things you do, when you want to go home and not spend another day on site 🤣

    My only caution would be to ensure that you use the correct FW. IIRC -L means Lan Base not IP Services, but it should warn you that there isn’t enough space, if that’s the case

  • Definitely! For electronics, Eneloop batteries are worth every penny. I think I have ~10 AA and AAA, and I haven’t bought disposable batteries in years. I try to make sure I have 4 of each available at all times so I don’t have to wait for them to recharge. I’ve tried cheaper (Amazon) batteries, and they fail much more quickly, and sometimes swell to the point where I have a hard time removing them.

    Some people say IKEA’s batteries are just rebranded Eneloops, but I haven’t had a chance to try them

  • I’ve seen posts where I had to assume OP/the commenter wasn’t a native English speaker, because of the sentence structure and odd choice of words. A multilingual platform such as lemmy, can sometimes leave you scratching your head. Since I don’t speak a 2nd or 3rd language I’m always in awe of polyglots. I always try to offer an olive branch by assuming the fault was mine, and I wasn’t clear enough in my wording.


    There are people (myself included) who will skim long form texts, rather than actually reading all of the words (thanks to every prof who’s ever assigned busy work or HW on a school holiday). I can only speak for myself when I say, once I’ve skimmed something, if I get to the end and it doesn’t add up, I go back and re-read it in its entirety. I have to imagine in a world of 6 billion people, there willl be some who don’t choose to re-read the text, and choose outrage…also some people just think it’s funny to be contrarian, there’s not much you can do about that, other than smile and move along.

    Tomorrow you will wake up, the world will be full of promise, and maybe a satisfying breakfast, and you won’t even remember [email protected]…they, on the other hand will wake up, and still be them…